Zanu PF Top Officials Gang Rape Susan Mutami
23 July 2022
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By James Gwati- Several senior Zanu PF officials, including their leader Emmerson Mnangagwa faces rape charges for allegedly forcing Susan Mutami.

Mutami said the Zanu PF leader, Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa forced her to have sex with him when she was young.

Mutami has also posted bedroom pictures of her with Zanu PF central committee member Kenneth Musanhi and deputy mines minister Polite Kambamura.

The controversial businesswoman also threatened to disclose how Mr Mnangagwa “killed” a young lady in Kwekwe.
“This man (Mnangagwa) raped me when I was a minor and tomorrow I am hosting a space where I will be telling everyone what u did,I’m also going to tell people what u did to that young girl who was studying at Kwekwe High School who later died and u paid all her funeral expenses. Satan,” fumed Mutami.
She was responding to Mr Mnangagwa’s tweet below:
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