By- The overzealous and corruption-accused Zanu PF MP for Gokwe-Nembudziya, Justice Mayor Wadyajena, has lost 22 trucks to the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC).
Wadyajena is said to have bought the trucks using the US$5 Million he stole from Cottco.
The 22 more assets are an addition to his Lamborghini Urus and a BMW X6 recently seized by authorities while en route to South Africa.
Wadyajena was arrested last week together with four Cotton Company of Zimbabwe (COTTCO) officials, Pius Manamike (54), Maxmore Njanji (47), Fortunate Maloi (34) and Chiedza Danha (39). The five face fraud and money laundering charges involving US$5 million.
ZACC issued the warrant of search and seizure in terms of Section 49 (b) A.R.W.S 50 (1) (a) of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act, Chapter 9:07. It reads in part:
It is therefore directed that the Managing Director of Mayor Logistics (Pvt) Ltd and Justice Mayor Wadyajena or any other person in authority or control of the vehicles to release the following vehicles, to the Peace Officers and other Officers of the Law who are bearers of this warrant…
The assets are listed as follows:
A Lamborghini (SUV) vehicle registration number “Mayor”
BMW X6 vehicle registration number “JMW”
A Freightliner (Horse) Vehicle registration Number AEZ 6137
A Freightliner (Horse) Vehicle registration Number AEZ 6136
A Freightliner (Horse) Vehicle registration Number AEZ 9244
A Freightliner (Road Tractor) Vehicle registration Number AEZ AE26255
A Freightliner (Road Tractor) Vehicle registration Number AEZ 6256
A Freightliner (Horse) Vehicle registration Number AEZ 6139
A Freightliner (Horse) Vehicle registration Number AEZ 6138
A Freightliner (Horse) Vehicle registration Number AEZ 6116
A Freightliner (Horse) Vehicle registration Number AEZ 6114
A Freightliner (Road Tractor) Vehicle registration Number AEZ 6134
A Freightliner (Horse) Venice registration Number AEZ 9247
A Freightliner (Road Tractor) Vehide registration Number AEZ 6254
A Freightliner (Horse) Vehicle registration Number AEZ 9245
A Freightliner (Horse) Vehicle registration Number AEZ 9246
A Freightliner (Horse) Vehicle registration Number AEZ 9243
A Freightliner (Horse) Vehicle registration Number AEZ 6115
A Freightliner (Horse) Vehicle registration Number AEZ 6121
A Freightliner (Horse) Vehicle registration Number AEZ 6125
A Freightliner (Horse) Vehicle registration Number AEZ 6126
A Freightliner (Road Tractor Vehicle registration Number AEZ 6133
A Freightliner (Horse) Vehicle registration Number AEZ 6135
A Freightliner (Road Tractor) Vehicle registration Number AEZ 6134
The warrant adds:
These are, therefore, in the State’s name to command you to proceed to Mayor Logistics (Pvt) Ltd and Justice Mayor Wadyajena or any other person in control of the vehicles and there from immediately obtain and take into your custody the mentioned vehicles and take them to the Peace Officers and other Officers of the law who are bearers of this warrant or other place of safety until the matter finalized or until you receive further orders from Court.