CCC Speaks On Failed Chamisa Assassination Attempt
12 September 2022
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By James Gwati- The opposition CCC has issued a statement describing how Zanu PF thugs attempted to kill Nelson Chamisa in Chinhoyi on Sunday.

Zanu PF thugs threw a petrol bomb at the opposition party leader’s convoy when he approached the party’s thank you rally venue in Gadzema.

Luckily the detonating petrol bomb missed the youthful opposition party’s car.

CCC spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere immediately issued a statement narrating what happened.

Below is her statement:

Today (Sunday), the CCC held a rally at Gadzema Grounds in Chinhoyi, Mashonaland West Province which
was graced by a bumper crowd of citizens. As the motorcade of our Change Champion in Chief,
Adv Nelson Chamisa, approached the entrance of the venue, a silver sedan vehicle AFA 1651 sped
past and threw explosives at the convoy. This incident happened hours after petrol bombs had been
thrown at the venue last night as our advance team was setting up for today’s gathering. We
condemn this cowardly act.
This latest assassination attempt comes barely a month after two similar threats on the life of Adv
Chamisa in Wedza and Gokwe Kabuyuni respectively. The attack follows death threats against Adv
Chamisa and the CCC by Zanu PF leaders including Aton Mashayanyika whose incitement to
violence was caught on camera but no arrests have taken place.
After the detonation of the explosives, the security team immediately intensified security at all entry
points of the venue to safeguard against a further security breach inside the venue. The security
team further had to manage the panicked crowd which was trying to run to safety. In the midst of
this emergency response effort, a misunderstanding arose between journalist Ruvimbo Muchenje
and one of our security officers leading to a regrettable incident of assault. Our communications
team immediately stepped in to de-escalate the incident.
We have since approached Ruvimbo Muchenje directly to offer our unreserved apology for the
incident. She graciously accepted our apology. For the avoidance of doubt, we remain committed
to ensuring a free and safe environment for journalists who cover our events. Journalism is never a
crime. Lessons have been learnt from this Incident and we are improving our protocols to ensure
such an incident does not transpire in the future.
We thank the citizens of Chinhoyi for their overwhelming support at the recent by-elections and for
turning out in their thousands to attend our Thank You Rally this afternoon. Our Change Champion
in Chief delivered a message of hope and inspiration and emphasized the need for all citizens to
register to vote in their masses so that we win Zimbabwe for change in 2023.
Vote for change.
Fadzayi Mahere
National Spokesperson