Bruce Grobbelaar and his sports betting scandal
18 September 2022
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Bruce Grobbelaar was voted Liverpool’s second-best goalkeeper and seventh in Zimbabwe. In his long career, he has achieved many heights, won several important titles, and earned himself a good name, but he has not been without negative stories.

It turned out that during his career, he had bet several times on the matches he took part in and then influenced the course of the game to make money. Many soccer players and athletes around the world gamble and bet. But it’s one thing to go to to find casinos for Canadian dollars and another to bet on your own games in which you take part.

For example, according to the Sun newspaper, in November 1994, Grobbelaar arranged for Chris Vincent to place a bet on Newcastle to win the upcoming game against Liverpool. Recall that Bruce, at that time, was the main goalkeeper of the Merseyside team and may well influence the result.

In that game, Newcastle won 3-0, and Andy Cole scored all three goals. And one of the goals was quite ridiculous: Grobbelaar suspiciously missed the ball between his hands, although he could have obviously grabbed it. For this match, Bruce earned 40 thousand pounds, but later on, soccer experts said it was impossible to catch the ball in that situation.

The second contracted match by Grobbelaar was Southampton against Coventry. At the time, he was on loan at Southampton and apparently needed some extra money. Despite his best efforts and an own goal, Bruce failed to cash in on the bet as his team rallied and made a combo, winning the game 3-1 at the end.

The third time, Grobbelaar also failed to make money on a bet on his own team, although he did his best to do so. He was promised £50,000 if Manchester City beat Southampton by a margin of one goal. Luck again turned away from Bruce, and that meeting ended with a score. Experts also stated that the goalkeeper could not have influenced any of the missed goals.

Despite the accumulated experience in match-fixing, luck turned away from Grobbelaar in the future. For example, in the game against Manchester United, he purposely jumped to the wrong side of the ball but still accidentally kicked it, which cost him £125,000 in potential winnings.

But the story didn’t end there. The independent media found out that Vincent, a friend of Grobbelaar, who told all these facts about rigged matches, was promised 33,000 pounds by the Sun for detailed data, which discredited him.