Mudzuri et al. Form Another MDC Party
2 February 2023
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By- A group led by suspended MDC-T vice President Elias Mudzuri, Thursday held a press conference in Harare, signalising the formation of a splinter opposition party.

The group said it was aggrieved by many issues, including a “shambolic” national congress.

MDC-T last month suspended Mudzuri, Norest Marara, Gift Konjana, John Nyika, Den Moyo, Edwin Dzambara, and Edwin Kakora allegedly for breaking party rules, having illegal meetings, and undermining the democratic procedures of the organisation.
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During the presser, the group said since the passing of MDC’s founding leader, Morgan the party degenerated into chaos and lost its ethos and values.
Addressing the media, Mudzuri said the party was violating the principles of democracy.
He said the national congress led by Mwonzora is null and void as it did not follow the MDC-T constitution.
Mudzuri said his group seeks to restore order in the MDC-T party. He said consultations with all structures of the party are in the process in a bid to map a way forward for the party.
Asked why the electorate should trust a party that is going through a leadership crisis a few months before the election, Mudzuri said members of the MDC were not ready for any election. He said members were not consulted when a congress meant to choose their representatives were chosen.
He said they intend to build proper and vibrant structures.