5yrs Later, Missing ZANU MP Caught On Camera At Shrine Wearing Red Robes
8 March 2023
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The below picture shows the MP for Zvishavane-Runde in red robes together with the aspiring Murowa ward councillor seeking divine votes at a church shrine.  

Dear Honourable MP at church shrine

Election times are quite interesting as cunning politicians do the most gullible things. This pictured MP has been AWOL for almost 5 years and has done nothing in terms of development especially in Murowa ward. While it’s good for politicians to seek God but they must also do what the voters elected them for. Murowa ward is the most neglected and underdeveloped area in Zimbabwe despite being home to the largest diamond mine..

The fact that the MP chooses to move around with previous election losers instead of elected office bearers shows that he is very divisive and cunning for unity is key to development. It is high time the voters demand true value of their votes by giving non performers the middle finger.


We are tired of being used, misused and abused by these greedy politicians. The time of being hoodwinked is over as we demand pro-people and pro- development politicians. For far too long we have been cheated with false promises and as a result we are living in abject poverty while these cunning politicians are living large, super rich!

We say NO to missing MPs who represent constituencies via Bluetooth.

Povo Yaramba ibvai henyu MP hatichakudii!

Murowa Community Group

Zvishavane Runde Constituency