Cop Under Fire For Arresting A Zanu PF Thug Defacing CCC Posters
18 July 2023
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By-A Midlands-based police officer has been assaulted and threatened by the Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Deputy Minister Barbara Rwodzi for arresting a Zanu PF supporter for pulling down CCC posters.

NewsDay reported that Rwodzi insulted the police officer as he was preparing a docket against the ZANU PF supporter, only known as Danger who is believed to be part of her campaign team.
In a three and half minute’s audio, Rwodzi is heard calling Assistant Inspector Matsa, based at Charandura Police Station, a “stupid idiot”.
The Chirumanzu South MP also threatened to deal with the police officer.
Rwodzi told the senior cop that she will deal with him “in front of (Godwin) Matanga”, the Police Commissioner-General. She was recorded saying:
I will finish with you. Do you think CCC will win? Urimbwa (you are a dog), you are stupid go and report wherever you want.
I am going to finish you, Matsa. I will fight you to the end. Urimbwa (you are a dog).
The police officer, however, stood his ground insisting that he was only doing his job. He said:
Mai Rwodzi, you don’t have to be personal and call me stupid.
But Rwodzi told the cop that he should report her for calling him an idiot.
She said he should have discussed the matter with his superior and other officers at the station before opening a docket against a ZANU PF activist.
Rwodzi also said she will not be lectured about laws because she was responsible for making laws in the country as a Member of Parliament.