President Chamisa And A New Great Zimbabwe Blueprint For Everyone: A Statesman Is Born
13 August 2023
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By Stephen Sarkozy Chuma

We are just a few days to yet another make or break general election which is set for 23 August 2023. The nation is on the cusp of glory and a new chapter if CCC presidential candidate, Advocate Nelson Chamisa emerges victorious as is widely expected.

Twenty-free August (as citizens refer to the election date) presents citizens with a perfect opportunity to put an end to the corrupt ZANU PF regime that has caused a lot of untold suffering and penury.

For more than 43 years, the country has been dragged into some of the worst and darkest episodes under successive ZANU PF dictatorships.

Zimbabwe is still licking wounds of the liberation struggle, Gukurahundi, Murambatsvina and violence during elections. There is so much anger and unresolved past injustices.

The country is crying for a statesman!

A selfless leader who will unify a compartmentalized nation. A leader who preaches love, tolerance and forgiveness- one who is above partisan and parochial party politics.

CCC presidential candidate, Advocate Nelson Chamisa aptly fits the bill. His election manifesto dubbed, A New Great Zimbabwe For Everyone is a testament of a leader who wants the best for his countrymen.

On Gukurahundi, President Chamisa promised to apologize on behalf of government to people in Matabeleland and Midlands for the genocide committed by the state.

This is something that ZANU PF leader, Emmerson Mnangagwa and his predecessor, Robert Mugabe refused to do years after Gukurahundi.

On land, President Chamisa is promising to grant title deeds to beneficiaries of land reform. The land question is one of the key issue of the liberation agenda and that issue remains unsolved up to now. Actually we have seen locals being moved from their ancestral lands to pave way for foreigners under Mnangagwa’s so called new dispensation.

A statesman is one who wants his people to benefit from his country’s wealth. In that regard, President Chamisa has promised to make sure that locals benefit from the country’s vast mineral wealth through value beneficiation. Like a true statesman, President Chamisa also promised to set up a sovereign wealth fund that will benefit future generations.

That is sustainable development as opposed to Emmerson Mnangagwa’s gold mafia!

Let’s go out in our numbers on 23 August and vote for Nelson Chamisa, the statesman. The Nelson of North of Limpopo!

A New Great Zimbabwe for Everyone beckons!

One People. One Nation. One Vision!

