Masarira “Demands” Female Vice President
8 September 2023
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Open letter to HE Mnangagwa

8 September 2023

Dear HE Cde ED Mnangagwa In 2018, I personally raised eyebrows on the appointment of Vice Presidents, which did not consider a woman for Vice Presidency.

Today, Mr President,you have appointed two men again making the executive a men’s affair. Mr President, when you took oath on the 4th of September 2023 affirming that you will be faithful to Zimbabwe and will obey, uphold and defend the constitution and all the other laws of Zimbabwe.

By the very same oath you took Mr President, let me remind you of section 17 of the constitution of Zimbabwe which enshrines gender balance. Section 17 falls under national objectives which guide state, all institutions and agencies of government.

Women in Zimbabwe always feel shortchanged when it comes to leadership yet they constitute 54% of the voting population. Selective application of the constitution continues to structurally undermine women’s rights in political participation and appointment to key offices in Zimbabwe.

We are just demanding for at least one woman Vice President, a gender balanced cabinet and gender balance to be observed as enshrined in the constitution of Zimbabwe. There is no democracy without women.

We will not tire to demand what rightfully belongs to the women’s movement.

Kind regards Linda Tsungirirai Masarira