Warriors Praised
3 October 2023
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Warriors coach Baltemar Brito believes his charges put an impressive performance despite losing on penalties to Botswana in an invitational match played on Saturday.

The friendly encounter, which was part of the events to celebrate Botswana’s Independence Day, had ended in a 1-1 stalemate at ninety minutes.

Obriel Chirinda scored a long-range thunderbolt on minute 67 to open the scoring before the Zebras equalised a few moments later through Lemogang Maswena’s effort.

Speaking after the match, Brito said:

“We lost the match, but I’m happy that my team has shown a lot of quality.

“We deserved to win after creating several good chances, but we were not lucky enough to score the opportunities.

“This is football, but I m happy my team showed quality and assimilated what we did in training. The team is just good.”

The Warriors squad was made up of locally-based players, while the Zebras also fielded a similar side.

The game marked coach Baltemar Brito’s tenure at the helm following his appointment in late September.-Soccer24 News