ED Replacing Mangudya With Own Nephew
9 October 2023
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Zimbabwe’s Complex History and the Emergence of Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa’s Regime.

By Farai D Hove | Zimbabwe, a nation with a complex past, is once again at the center of political intrigue. While it may be a nation built by many, its history is marred by the influence of a single individual, Cecil John Rhodes. But today, the spotlight is on a new figure, Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, as his regime seems to consolidate power through a series of calculated moves.

Historically, Zimbabwe was shaped by the actions of Cecil John Rhodes, a British imperialist, and businessman. Rhodes played a pivotal role in the colonization of Zimbabwe, contributing to its formation as we know it today.

However, the latest allegations suggest that a new era is dawning, one dominated by Emmerson Mnangagwa and his family. These claims come from a prominent community commentator, Kerina Mujati, who raises concerns about the growing influence of the Mnangagwa family within the nation.

One of the most significant developments is the alleged plan to retire John Panonetsa Mangudya, the current governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ), earlier than his scheduled term completion on March 31, 2024. According to Mujati, this move is part of a broader strategy to ensure that the RBZ is under the control of the Mnangagwa family by the end of this year. It is reported that John Mushayavanhu, who is said to be Emmerson Mnangagwa’s nephew, will take over as the governor of the RBZ.

What raises further questions is the family’s ties to the financial sector. It is alleged that Emmerson Mnangagwa is the majority shareholder of FBC Bank, a financial institution that recently acquired Standard Chartered Bank. This consolidation of power within the banking sector suggests that Zimbabwe is moving closer to becoming an “Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa entity.”

As these allegations continue to unfold, Zimbabweans and the international community are left to grapple with the implications of this apparent concentration of power. The nation’s complex history, once dominated by Cecil John Rhodes, is now facing a new chapter under the leadership of Emmerson Mnangagwa, with his family’s influence casting a long shadow over the nation’s future. Stay tuned as developments in Zimbabwe’s political landscape continue to unfold.