Release Wiwa Now!
23 November 2023
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WiwaWednesday with CCC Namibia District!

22 November 2023

Former CCC Zengeza West MP, Job Saro Wiwa Sikhala clocks more than 530 days of state-sponsored incarceration at Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison on political charges. The Citizens Coalition for Change has declared Wednesday as an international #WiwaWednesday in solidarity with the illegally jailed cadre.

CCC Namibia district submits that citizens should now pent up their outrage demanding the immediate release of the political prisoner, Job Saro Wiwa Sikhala, and others. It is now imperative for all progressive citizens to unite against captured courts and the gross abuse of human rights in Zimbabwe. Wiwa has a law firm to run, he is the breadwinner, and his family is languishing in abject poverty on account of politics. This must be resisted with equal measure! Job Sikhala deserves bail as an officer of the court and a bonafide citizen of the motherland.

Solidarity is a core value of social democracy! Injury to one is an injury to all, we should not fear incarceration when our champions are already rotting in prison on concocted charges. Rundu Change Champion, Simbarashe Ndoda urges citizens across the globe to amplify their revolutionary voices demanding the immediate release of Job Saro Wiwa Sikhala through peaceful action to shake the corridors of autocracy. Peaceful demonstrations are enshrined in the supreme law of the fatherland hence the dire need to express our disgruntlement on the attempt by the politically bankrupt Harare regime to annihilate the people’s project, Ndoda further elaborated.

Namibia district encourages citizens to gather the valor, mettle, and nerve to confront oppressors advocating for justice, freedom, and equality. Bail is a constitutional right guaranteed in the Constitution of Zimbabwe, it is perturbing that the courts have been weaponized by the unpopular ZANU-PF regime to punish dissenters. At this particular juncture, citizens should resist the attempt to establish a one-party state after rigging elections that were condemned by all observer missions across the universe.

It is now time to peacefully protest against the abuse of the Constitution in Zimbabwe by Mr Emerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa and Cabal. Let’s unite to bring socio-economic transfiguration to our country. Sikhala was denied his political right to represent his people in the Zengeza West Constituency. The people of Zimbabwe should never allow dictatorship to reign in the tea-shaped country between the Zambezi and Limpopo. We must defend constitutionalism and the rule of law. Wiwa must be granted his freedom because he has the right to bail and a fair trial without political strings.

Wiwa is a political prisoner who is suffering for undertaking his duties as the family lawyer to the gruesomely murdered CCC activist Moreblessing Ali. It is inhuman to have Moreblessing Ali’s body being tormented in the mortuary after being slaughtered like a chicken since May 2022. The deceased has not yet been buried since her state-engineered death. This must be confronted by all progressive citizens who believe in the sanctity of life. It is now compulsory to take action against arbitrary arrests and long pretrial detentions.

As we demand justice for Job Saro Wiwa Sikhala, it is fundamental to remain focused on the illegitimacy issue after the 23 August shambolic elections. ZANU-PF did not win the elections, it is our obligation to put political and diplomatic pressure on the region, continent, and international communities as the demand for fresh free, fair, and credible elections takes its toll. Let’s embrace dangerous freedom against this diabolical attempt to silence dissenters when the constitution of the country is being torn asunder. Responsible citizens should fight for the independence of the judiciary.

The illegal recalls on democratically elected councilors, mayors, and MPs epitomize the appetite of ZANU-PF to create a one-party state by decimating the alternative government through an imposter. Namibia district comprehends that these are just sideshows to divert us from serious national issues of Mr Mnangagwa’s illegitimate status after subverting the will of the people. CCC can’t recall its officials prematurely, we are a people’s project. Let’s take an organic and pragmatic approach to our national discourse.

In a nutshell, citizens in Namibia urge Zimbabweans to unite against the sadist ZANU-PF regime. Peaceful demonstrations are allowed by law! No need to be intimidated by the clueless regime. Those in the diaspora should also support foot soldiers materially and financially apart from the political and diplomatic pressure they usually give at embassies across the globe.






CCC Namibia Rundu Branch
Change Champion
Robson Ruhanya