This is a direct response to an article that has gone viral on social media that the MDC President Douglas Mwonzora has joined his erstwhile nemesis Zanu-PF.
First Sen. Douglas Mwonzora is not President of the MDC Alliance because the Alliance in terms of the Agreement was not a single political party but a conglomerate of seven political parties with their respective Presidents.
The Agreement expired in August 2023 and no longer applicable, so it can not be referred to anymore.
It is mere propaganda meant to divert the people of Zimbabwe from the real issues affecting their daily lives which are:
Poverty, Hunger, Unemployment, Power Cuts, Water Shortage, Cholera, Hyper Inflation and Transport woes among other ills that have made Zimbabweans the unhappiest people on earth.
All these have been caused by the maladministration of the ruling party ZANU-PF since 1980.
Currently the country is facing a possible drought and as a country we are supposed to be focusing on mitigating this disaster and other people are focusing on petty propaganda, playing with people’s lives.
Never in a million years will Douglas Mwonzora join Zanu-PF but it is wishful thinking by enemies of pluralism who seek to conquer and control the minds of every right thinking Zimbabwean.
Currently the MDC President and the rest of the party are busy preparing for a National Policy Conference to come up with pro poor people’s policies in preparation for the 2028 General Election so that we complete the unfinished business of the liberation struggle, that is total economic immacipacipation for the people of Zimbabwe.
Lloyd Damba
Presidential Spokesperson
Movement for Democratic Change (MDC).