Sengezo Tshabangu Caught On Camera Meeting Scott Sakupwanya Aides At Crowne Plaza To Help Destroy CCC Party | EXCLUSIVE
5 December 2023
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By Investigate Correspondent | ZimEye | The self proclaimed opposition leader, Sengezo Tshabangu has been caught on camera meeting a man he recognises as a secretarial aide of the ZANU PF GoldMafia implicated election contestant for Mabvuku, Scott Sakupwanya at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Harare.

For weeks, he has been saying he is not at all working with Emmerson Mnangagwa’s ZANU PF, but Tshabangu was last night caught unawares weeks after continuing Emmerson Mnangagwa-ZANU PF based conversations with an undercover journalist who in November joined into his parliamentary-recall-operations with which he (Tshabangu) says he is fronting the interests of the Nelson Chamisa led, Citizens Coalition For Change (CCC) party, an institution he says he represents as its Secretary General, an appointment rubbished by the party’s leader, Nelson Chamisa and under which he has been told by the world’s oldest organisation,
the Inter Parliamentary Union to reverse his recalls of elected representatives. The CCC party describes him as an imposter who presented a fraudulent letter to the Speaker Of Parliament, Jacob Mudenda in October.

Tshabangu’s recalls, part of ZANU PF’s 44 year old rain-making rituals turning election winners into corpses, began with the abrupt kicking out of 23 elected representatives in October, and have led an aura of violence in which the CCC’s Mabvuku constituency winner’ campaign agent, Bishop Tapfumaneyi Masaya has been killed.

Tshabangu arranged for the Crowne Plaza Hotel meeting to thank the Mabvuku “MP-hopeful” Scott Sakupwanya for assisting him in writing a letter to the Inter Parliamentary Union so to cover up for what he has been doing. Unbeknown to him the letter had been assembled by an undercover journalist, Simba Chikanza disguised as “Cde Mabhunu” who only revealed himself via Facebook LIVE video after Tshabangu had spent tens of minutes waiting at the hotel with 5 other Sakupwanya Aides.

Scott Sakupwanya who is described in Al Jazeera’s GoldMafia documentary as one of the mafia members, is Zimbabwe’s largest gold buyer and Emmerson Mnangagwa’s business runner or front.

Tshabangu organising with the clearly recognisable “ZANU PF” Emmerson Mnangagwa scarf wearing man at 6.24pm Zim time

Chikanza has been participating in the ZANU PF operations with Mr Tshabangu since the 21st November 2023 under video which documentary the CCC can now use to put to rest Tshabangu’s grand-claim that he is not working for Emmerson Mnangagwa’s ZANU PF.

The tight rope around Tshabangu’s neck’s career isn’t just the live video footage, but the murder-cover-up letter he wrote to the IPU which was wholly constructed ‘by an aide of Scott Sakupwanya,’ under his full knowledge that he is being instructed by Emmerson Mnangagwa’s personal gold buyer and parliamentary wishful for Mabvuku.

The development is also offloaded in the upcoming GoldMafia LIVE files production, part of which was on LIVE Facebook video last night on ZimEye (click to watch).

Commenting over the development, Tshabangu sent a short two worded message to ZimEye saying all this is “pathetic journalism.”



– ZimEye