Together We Can Win Battle Against Drug Abuse
9 December 2023
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Source : Hon Happymore Chidziva

Mutoriro is a drug rinonzi pachirungu chrysatl meth, vanorishevedza kuti dombo kana kuti guka. Vanoshandisa ma globs ema lights se chikwepa chekupisira mutoriro uyu nekuuputa. Rinowanikwa mu powder uye mupiritsi.
Rinokuvadza ma brain cells.

Drug iri vanoriputa vanogona kuita ma weeks vasingarare kana kudya, nekuti kana variputa rinotumira chiziviso or mamessage kuma brain censors ekuti 1) hauna nzara
2) urikufara
3) unesimba.

Naizvozvo vanhu ivavo vanogara mazuva mazhinji vasingadyi, vasingarare uye vachifara.

Kana rapera mumiviri chavanongoda kuriputa futi zvichireva kuti tave nemunhu asingadyi, asingarare anongogara ari (high) akadhakwa
Mhedzisiro yake mabrain cells anokanganiswa otanga kuvhiringika pfungwa nekuve violent, kuba midziyo yepamba nemari kuti awane kutenga (feeding) habit yake. Munhu iyeye haazokwanise kushanda kana kudzidza kana kugara nevamwe (anti social) nekuti nguva zhinji anenenge ogara kwavanoti kuma base vachiputa neku kuzvifadza.

Saka anopedzisira avakuita ma hallucinations, kubvotomoka nekutaura zvisinganzwike kuve (paranoid) nekuita (psychosis) pfungwa dzinenga dzarasika.
Please ngatibatsirei vana vasapinde pachinhu ichi.

No to Mutoriro

Do something


Please note is running a robust campaign against drug abuse/ drug addiction. Send your videos, pictures and real life situation. Your story will change someone’s life.

Organisations, individuals, church denominations and various stakeholders are invited to support the initiative.

Together we can fight the scourge of drug abuse.

Advocacy is the way to go, we are ready to amplify your efforts to eradicate drug abuse through our platforms.

To those willing to support the initiative see below our bank details are below:

Kindly notify us once you have donated to the noble initiative




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Sort Code 09-01-28
Account 74288004