Jah Prayzah Falls: Nakedically, Walletically
26 December 2023
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By Showbiz Reporter | Does the “Walletically” song speak about the wallet more than it makes the singer a muppet?

Jah Prayzah as a muppet- graphic

The tune may need a review. Jah Prayzah’s “Walletically” song needs to be investigated within the context of the creation of a culturally rich song production. It unveils a complex interplay of elements. The song’s opening lyrics, “If it was me the one with money, I would be a precious fruit, and be walletically,” sets the stage for a narrative centered around wealth. However, a closer analysis reveals potential pitfalls in aligning with the criteria of cultural richness.

**1. Cultural Narrative:**
While Jah Prayzah expresses aspirations tied to financial success, the lyrical content lacks depth in representing a broader cultural narrative. A culturally rich song often delves into traditions, values, or societal reflections, but “Walletically” primarily revolves around individual financial pursuits without broader cultural context.

**2. Imagery and Visual Representation:**
The divergence in the video’s portrayal of near-naked women raises questions about the alignment with Zimbabwean cultural norms. The juxtaposition of the song’s theme and the visual representation in the video introduces a discordant element that might be perceived as contradictory to cultural sensitivity.

**3. Musical Fusion and Innovation:**
Musically, Jah Prayzah has often excelled in fusing traditional and contemporary sounds. However, the focus on wealth in “Walletically” shifts attention away from the potential for a diverse musical fusion that incorporates a broader range of cultural elements.

**4. Collaborations and Diversity:**
The song’s lyrics do not indicate collaboration with artists offering diverse cultural perspectives. A more inclusive approach, bringing in voices from different cultural facets, could have added layers to the production, fostering a richer representation of Zimbabwe’s cultural diversity.

**5. Social Commentary:**
While the song touches on financial themes, it lacks a deeper exploration of societal or cultural issues. A culturally rich song often serves as a platform for commentary on social dynamics, but “Walletically” leans more towards individual desires rather than societal reflections.

In conclusion, Jah Prayzah’s “Walletically” falls short in certain aspects crucial to a culturally rich song production. The focus on personal wealth overshadows broader cultural narratives, and the visual representation in the video introduces elements that may be at odds with cultural norms. For a more comprehensive cultural richness, a song should aim for a harmonious blend of lyrical depth, musical diversity, inclusive collaborations, and a thoughtful exploration of societal and cultural nuances..