ED’s Polad Principal, Shumba Goes Berserk, Unleashes Terror On Damofalls Residents
18 January 2024
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By Damofalls Correspondent | In a twist of events, a POLAD principal previously in the limelight for attempting to bribe opposition leader Nelson Chamisa with a stay at the prestigious Sheraton/Rainbow Towers Hotel, Welcome Shumba has spiralled out of control. Following his ejection from the luxurious hotel, Shumba has unleashed a wave of violence and terror upon the Damofalls, Harare community, marking a drastic departure from his once high-profile status. The incident that set off this alarming series of events began on Monday night, 16 January 2023, in the serene locales of Wenera, Musasa, and Cream Shop shopping centers in Damofalls.

Man brutally assaulted by Welcome Shumba

Residents, who were either enjoying their evening in popular nightclubs or engaging in routine shopping, were abruptly confronted with a scene of chaos and violence, masterminded by Shumba.

From Hotel boast to Damofalls terror… Welcome Shumba

Using a government-issued POLAD vehicle, Shumba, known for his connection to the nation’s elite, incited a group of youths to launch a brutal assault on unsuspecting civilians.

Leg injuries… one of the victims

The attacks were not only physically devastating but also saw the theft of personal belongings and cash, plunging the community into a state of fear and uncertainty.

Victims now at Ruwa Police station

One patron recounted her harrowing experience, saying, “I was in the bathroom, oblivious to the chaos unfolding outside. When I came out, I was shocked to see other patrons being attacked. They ordered me to lie on the floor, and one of the attackers brutally hit my backside with an iron bar. I’m in pain and deeply traumatized by the ordeal.”

A resident speaking to ZimEye at Wenera shops expressed their shock, saying, “Mukoma wangu, ndakaona hora – Big brother, I experienced horror. One of Shumba’s thugs brutally smashed a general hand at Marimira bar with a snooker stick right in his face. I wonder how he’s coping now.”

This unexpected outbreak of violence from Shumba, who once boasted of his untouchability and power, has raised serious concerns about the abuse of influence and the safety of ordinary citizens in the face of such unchecked aggression.

Shumba was still to respond for comment at the time of writing.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Ruwa station is now handling the case, and there is a growing call among the Damofalls residents for justice to be served. The community, united in their shock and distress, is demanding accountability and a return to peace and order in their shaken neighborhood.