Mnangagwa Deceives British Investors
25 January 2024
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Tinashe Sambiri

As Zimbabwe grapples with political turmoil, Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa is desperate to score diplomatic points.

Recently, Mr Mnangagwa had a meeting with a British Delegation, hoping to spruce up his waning political image.

In a statement Zanu PF’s Operation Restore Legacy said :
“President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa meets a delegation of British investors led by a Member of the UK Parliament for Tewkesbury, Mr. Laurence Robertson.

Mr Robertson is also the chairman of the Westminister Africa Business Group which aims at promoting trade between the UK and Africa.

Mr Robertson said that their mission is to find ways of increasing trade between Zimbabwe and Britain. He said since Brexit, there is greater pressure for the UK to increase trade across the globe.”

The statement suggests a deliberate effort by the Zimbabwean government to portray the meeting as a pivotal moment in Mnangagwa’s diplomatic outreach.

Mr Robertson’s dual role as both a Member of Parliament and the chairman of the Westminster Africa Business Group underscores the gravity of the delegation.

Their mission, as articulated by Mr Robertson, revolves around finding ways to amplify trade between Zimbabwe and Britain.

Notably, he emphasized that, post-Brexit, the UK is under increased pressure to diversify and expand its global trade partnerships.

However, beneath the diplomatic rhetoric lies skepticism about Mnangagwa’s true intentions.

Critics argue that the meeting serves as a mere façade, an attempt to hoodwink British investors and divert attention from the internal challenges faced by Zimbabwe.

The country grapples with economic instability, human rights concerns, and a political landscape marked by unrest.