Chamisa Maps New Way
26 January 2024
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By Political Reporter-The former leader of the hijacked and sinking Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), Nelson Chamisa, has announced that he is taking a new path.

Chamisa dumped the contaminated CCC Thursday and has been followed by loyal parliamentarians who are frustrated by the hijacked political movement.

Chamisa’s dramatic announcement comes in the wake of controversies involving alleged imposter Sengezo Tshabangu and his illegal recalls from Parliament.

In a fiery statement Thursday, Chamisa condemned the ongoing political manoeuvres as “sewer pond politics” and rejected the notion of aligning himself with what he perceives as corrupt practices. 

“We are being thrown into a river with hungry crocodiles, but clearly in our view, I will refuse to swim in a river with hungry crocodiles,” Chamisa stated, signaling his refusal to participate in what he views as a deeply flawed political system.

Chamisa’s criticism extended to the ruling party, ZANU PF, accusing them of political fraud and calling upon citizens to support “fresh politics, new politics, and genuine fresh and credible leaders who want to serve and not to be served.” 

He made it clear that his separation from CCC is effective immediately, marking a significant shift in Zimbabwean politics.

His full statement, titled “Excellence. Brilliance. Difference,” outlines his perspective on the challenges facing Zimbabwe, including the legitimacy crisis, the entrenchment of authoritarianism, and the economic and social collapse in the country. Chamisa detailed the electoral irregularities and the intimidation tactics he claims were employed by ZANU PF and its allies. He also accused the ruling party of attempting to control the opposition, describing various tactics allegedly used to undermine the CCC and its leadership.Chamisa’s decision to step away from the CCC, a party he helped form two years ago, raises questions about the future of the opposition movement in Zimbabwe. His call for a return to legitimacy and majority rule, as well as his commitment to continue serving in public life, suggests he may pursue a different path in his political career.This development is a significant turn in Zimbabwean politics, signaling a potential reshaping of the opposition landscape and raising uncertainties about the CCC’s future direction.


E x c e l l e n c e . B r i l l i a n c e . D i f f e r e n c e



The steps we are taking now are in defense of your commitment. What is being fought is your refusal to yield to systematic disenfranchisement and the sham process.




  1. Fellow citizens, the consequences of a disputed and contested election have been too evident for all to see. We are wallowing in abject poverty, opportunities are dwindling and our dignity eroded.
  2. After the incumbent took office the following has been the status of our economic and social circumstances:

• Collapse of social service, in particular the issue of cholera.

• The issue of forced migration: The influx of citizens at the passport office and the escalating number of citizens leaving the country for other countries.

• The Government has increased the passport price almost cashing in on the desperation of citizens.

  1. I need not remind you and mention how our economy has deteriorated. Since the 2018 sham election when the US dollar was 1:1 now officially it has depreciated at the official rate of $9,414 by 944,000% and at the parallel market $15, 000 by 1,500,000% despite the misbegotten bragging that the RTGS is the strongest currency in the region. The nation has a debt of over $18 billion.
  2. The state coffers are empty resulting in high taxation. Pensioners have no pension. War veterans are wallowing in poverty. Education is now beyond the reach of many. Our teachers are not being paid well. Prices are skyrocketing in the shops. Corruption and looting of state resources causing entrenched poverty amongst the working class. We are unprecedented high levels of corruption.
  3. Professionals are disrespected through meagre salaries with no value or to their professional skills.
  4. The health sector is in a sorry state. Our hospitals have become death traps.
  5. Most of our medical professionals are leaving the country.
  6. We are ranked least happy in the world, highest inflation, highest road accidents and highest poverty. We lead in the negative.
  7. All this is after the sham election. Can this administration be expected to change things? Certainly No. Can the incumbent be expected to transform people’s lives and reverse the mess they have created? Clearly No. What is very clear is that this administration has absolutely no plan.
  8. This is clearly demonstrated by the fact that for the first time in electoral history, ZANU PF went to elections without a manifesto. This is a clear indication that they have no plan and citizens cannot expect any plan.



  1. To fix the legitimacy problem and to return Zimbabwe to majority rule we need all-inclusive politics for everyone and embark on comprehensive political, electoral and constitutional reforms to pave way and create a platform for peace, tolerance, reconciliation, unity and prosperity. We must get rid of toxicity, hate and selfishness. Leaders in public office must serve and not be served. Government must operate on the basis of truth, respect, accountability, responsibility and granting dignity to all citizens.


  1. As you may be aware, the CCC idea was an idea we prayerfully conceived. The original idea meant to place Our God and the Citizens at the center of all decision making. This test was not passed and the purpose was not served.
  2. The original CCC idea has however been contaminated, bastardized, hijacked by ZANU PF through the abuse of State institutions. CCC has not been aligned to its founding Purpose and Mandate. Further, CCC has now been rendered an extension of and been taken over by ZANU PF. CCC has, to all intents and purposes, been criminally handed over to ZANU PF.
  3. Our politics has been defiled by schemes of personal aggrandizement upon a runaway pursuit of politics of positions, title, benefits, trinkets and trappings of office. A contaminated, bastardized, hijacked CCC cannot deliver a New Great Zimbabwe! But then God’s grace is sufficient! Indeed God is in it.
  4. However, it is not like Zanu Pf is unconquerable, this Zanu Pf you see today, you will see it no more. Our God has opened a new way. Unfortunately, the road is narrow and I have to meet the demands of my assignment. The citizens of Zimbabwe will be set free from the hands of oppression.
  5. On account of the absence of any plan by the incumbent to resolve the Zimbabwe crisis, the solution to the problems affecting our beautiful and beloved country. Zimbabwe must return to legitimacy and majority happiness.
  6. We as the citizens are duty bound to find lasting answers to our perennial national questions. With what has happened to CCC, we need honest and accountable citizens in leadership. Stand ready to serve!
  7. I have been approached by war veterans, women’s groups, youth groups, church leaders, traditional leaders, trade unions, civil society and even various leaders on the continent on the ways to find a lasting solution to our problems as a nation.
  8. Various schemes and carrots have been dangled to entice the undermining of the cause for freedom. Some of us have refused silver coins in pursuit of the higher ideal- Happiness and Dignity for everyone. It is now clear to everyone that big money is finding into the pockets of some, who, on account of poverty and material desperation have succumbed to the temptation of enticement. The infiltration of CCC and our efforts to wrestle it out of capture, is to our utmost surprise but not unexpected, been denied through the judicial system- defying all logic and legal reasoning.
  9. We are being thrown into a river with hungry crocodiles, but clearly in our view I will refuse to swim in a river with hungry crocodiles. We need to extricate ourselves from the shenanigans. I will have nothing to do with sewer pond politics.
  10. We call upon all citizens to rally behind fresh politics, new politics and genuine fresh and credible leaders who want to serve and not to be served. ZANU PF can take everything that we sweated for, take the party and its name, take the money and whoever is a beneficiary of this fraud, is a certified fraudster.
  11. This is to officially, and under my hand, inform you fellow citizens of Zimbabwe and the world, that, with immediate effect, I no longer have anything to do with CCC.
  12. As a patriot, I remain active in public service. I also remain a loyal citizen listener, freedom advocate, a citizens’ champion and leader.
  13. My focus remains fully on Zimbabwe, asserting your victory, honoring the citizens mandate and God’s calling to provide leadership.
  14. There are fresh things we need to do. Let’s all work together for total freedom, true change and wholistic transformation for our beloved country. Giving up or giving in is not an option. Nothing comes without tenacity and resilience.
  15. Fellow citizens, you will be kept posted on the next step.
  16. Thank you all, fellow citizens for the support and continued prayers as we get ready to lead and play a nation-building role in a New Great Zimbabwe. Let us embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. Change is coming soon! God bless you. #Godisinit