Masvingo Kudyanana Zviweti Girls Freed
29 January 2024
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Masvingo- Magistrate Elizabeth Hanzi has removed Masvingo ‘lesbians’ Flora Tofa (24) and heavily pregnant Nyasha Chabika (24) from remand this morning. Their case will proceed by means of summons when the State has finished building a case against them.
She freed them after their lawyer Tatenda Nyoka argued that the State is yet to come up with a charge and the duo is pointlessly coming to court to be further remanded.
He also produced a medical affidavit stating that Nyasha is heavily pregnant and will give birth soon.
“We have attended all court sessions and the State is yet to serve my clients. They should be removed from remand and the State can summon them when it has a case. Nyasha is pregnant and about to give birth, there is no point in them continually coming to court just to be further remanded,” argued Nyoka.
The duo’s mobile phones that were seized by Police and their ZWL$100 000 bail have been returned to them.
Nyasha and Flora have been appeared before Magistrate Hanzi four times since December 2, 2023, when they were arrested. They have been further remanded on three occasions as the State is still preparing a case against them.
The two were arrested by the Police and charged with violating Section 13 (1) of the Censorship and Entertainment Act, Chapter 10: 04 (publishing the video)
Godknows Mugondo prosecuted.