Mayor Calls on Central Government to Address Masvingo Traffic Congestion
30 January 2024
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Masvingo City Council expresses deep concern over the escalating traffic congestion in the city, driven by its expanding population and the critical role as a transit hub connecting major cities.

The geographical proximity to South Africa amplifies the already significant traffic volume.

In light of these challenges, we urgently call upon the government, specifically the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development
, to expedite the dualisation of the highway passing through our historic city.

This strategic move is essential to alleviate the mounting congestion and ensure the smooth flow of traffic.

Of particular concern is the impact on essential services, as emergency vehicles such as ambulances and fire trucks are also experiencing delays in the traffic, posing serious risks to those in urgent need of such services.

Masvingo City Council earnestly appeals to the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development to promptly address this increasingly frustrating situation.

We believe that swift action is crucial to maintaining the safety and well-being of our citizens and visitors.

Official statement by the office of Masvingo City Mayor His Worship Councillor Aleck Tabe