Biti Caught On Camera Uttering Mnangagwa’s Speech-Line Denying Violence On Chamisa, Letter
31 January 2024
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By Investigative Correspondent | In what’s arguably a direct insult to the blood of the slain Tapfumaneyi Masaya and scores others targeted by the State Security to change election results, topple elected governments at inception, and then split the winning party since 1 Aug 2018, Zimbabwean barrister, Tendai Biti has been filmed using
ZANU PF leader Emmerson Mnangagwa’s 40y old-speech-line denial over State Security crackdown on Nelson Chamisa to force him to resign like done to all other election winners since 1980.

Biti was speaking to the @nrtvzimbabwe station in an interview when he used Mnangagwa’s genocide-denial punchline to say he has no clue of Chamisa’s resignation letter from the CCC party following the violent takeover of the institution.

He said in part (video)

“I’ve just read things in the newspapers/press, so I dont know what’s happening, I dont know if those letters are genuine or not” Biti said. (Watch the full video).

The speech-punchline is the same Mnangagwa has utilised to deny every military crackdown on the opposition parties since the 1980s. (video below)

“I’ve never witnessed that, I’ve never read that except to read it from the press,” says Mnangagwa in 1984 denying the Gukurahundi genocide in a testimony the ZANU PF leader repeats 4 decades later in 2019 while denying the crackdowns that killed 17 people and raped 50 women. (video)

In the interviews filed over the 40 year period, both politicians make this repeating statement sitting in the same interview-posture.

The development comes at a time when the CCC party was descended on by the state security soon after the SADC condemned Aug 2023 elections that observers say Nelson Chamisa defeated Emmerson Mnangagwa by a 56% win, but the military controlled Zimbabwe Electoral Commission announced 44% for Chamisa and 52,6% for Mnangagwa.

5 weeks later, a little Mr Sengezo Tshabangu was assisted by the ZANU PF government to announce himself Chamisa’s Secretary General, and Biti’s confirmed voice was heard in a viral clip celebrating saying Chamisa’s downfall was imminent

The Interparliamentary Union has in a reading upheld that Tshabangu is an imposter.

In the preceding development, Biti has popped out to say that he is the CCC party’s Vice President, after 2 years of total non disputation as the CCC party went on proclaiming it no longer has anyone occupying such a post.

Zimbabweans by and large view Biti as a traitor, and this development is not the first time he has done this. In 2022, he stood away from his own litigation efforts in Zambia that could have gotten Emmerson Mnangagwa de-recognised as a president worldwide, and on 13 April 2023, Biti ignored explosive evidence that could have kept him in parliament, despite things he accuses Chamisa of doing over his failure at selection procees.

Meanwhile, the crackdown against Chamisa is similar to that done to all election winners wince 1980 consistent with Mnangagwa State Security policy that all election winners must be turned into corpses (Mnangagwa’s 2015 family speech). Mnangagwa even (technically) recalled his own boss, Robert Mugabe to the Mozambique battlefront for assassination soon after winning the 1980 election, as revealed by Mugabe’s wife in a revelation that’s remained unchallenged. Grace says this connecting to more ZANU PF war veteran press conference disclosures that say Mnangagwa was a Rhodesia State Security assassin deployed to sabotage future governments.

Sitting in the same posture and uttering the same speech lines as Emmerson Mnangagwa, Biti is accused of joining Mnangagwa’s club of election-saboteurs.- ZimEye