Free All Political Prisoners, President Chamisa Boldly Tells Mnangagwa
31 January 2024
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Tinashe Sambiri

In a significant turn of events, President Nelson Chamisa has spoken out on the release of political activists Job Sikhala and Godfrey Sithole, who were acquitted after facing charges of inciting public violence in Nyatsime.

The charges stemmed from the aftermath of the brutal murder of Citizens Coalition for Change activist Moreblessing Ali.

Sikhala, who endured a staggering 600 days in prison, has finally been set free following the suspension of his two-year sentence.

President Chamisa, in a statement, expressed his satisfaction with the release, deeming it a milestone in the ongoing struggle for freedom in Zimbabwe.

In his statement, President Chamisa highlighted the prolonged pre-trial incarceration of Sikhala and Sithole, attributing it to political motives.

He emphasized the significance of their release, describing it as a reversal of one of the gravest errors in Zimbabwean politics.

The opposition leader underscored the notion that their imprisonment exemplifies the broken, vindictive, and toxic nature of the country’s political landscape.”

All glory be to God!! Their much-awaited release is a reversal of one of the extremest of errors in the politics of Zimbabwe,” President Chamisa stated, expressing gratitude for the newfound freedom of the activists.

President Chamisa characterized the incarceration of Sikhala and Sithole as an act of gross injustice, urging a reevaluation of Zimbabwe’s political climate.

He emphasized the need to address systemic issues that perpetuate such injustices and called for an end to persecutions and hostilities based on political affiliations in the nation.

Using the hashtag #CitizensMatter, President Chamisa conveyed his commitment to advocating for the freedom of others, referencing the #MRP9 and calling for an end to all political persecutions in Zimbabwe.

The hashtag #FreeAllPoliticalPrisoners echoed the president’s plea for justice and freedom for individuals facing imprisonment due to their political beliefs.

President Chamisa concluded his statement with an empowering message, encouraging resilience in the face of adversity:

“Every stone thrown at you, turn it into a stepping stone to your place of destiny! Blessed Tuesday.”

This serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for political freedom in Zimbabwe and the resilience required to overcome challenges on the path to a better future.