Komichi Preaches Opposition Unity
10 February 2024
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Former opposition MDC National Chairperson Morgan Komichi has rallied opposition forces to unite and save the country from total collapse saying the prevailing situation is nearing 2007.

Posting on Twitter, Komichi said;

“Zimdollar has lost value. Exchange rate has bolted out. Cost of living is pinching 90% of the Zimbabweans. The economy has nose dived putting the state in a quandary. We ar almost getting into the 2007 Economic crisis. Where is the Opposition to save Zimbabwe? Let’s all unite!!!”

Komichi recently quoted controversy when he appeared together with freed former Zengeza West legislator Job Sikhala where he was making a statement on his political future.

Many people said Komichi was responsible for destroying the then MDC Alliance after he partnered with Douglas Mwonzora to take away the party from youthful politician Nelson Chamisa.