Police Boss Caught In Dodgy Mining Hustles
19 February 2024
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Zimbabwe Police Chief Under Fire for Alleged Misuse of Force at Gold Mine

Godwin Matanga, the Commissioner-General of the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP), is embroiled in controversy over accusations of deploying special unit officers to safeguard a gold mine in Midlands, where he is rumored to have stakes. The center of the storm is the Parkgate mine, a mere 30 kilometers from Kwekwe on the Kwekwe-Zhombe road, once owned by the late Guy Georgious and now overseen by his widow, Mrs. Georgious. The mine’s operations have been attributed to Moses Chako, a figure alleged to be close to Matanga.

Deep-throat sources reveal a constant presence of armed ZRP Support Unit (SU) personnel at the mine, sparking debates over the propriety and procedure of such assignments. “At any point, we have at least five members guarding the mine, despite earlier assurances of extra allowances which have never come to fruition,” disclosed a source, who preferred to remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of the matter. These officers are reportedly disgruntled, continuing to earn their regular wages without the promised supplementary income akin to VIP duty compensations.

The involvement of the ZRP’s SU, a key operational province in the national crime-fighting strategy, in private mine security raises questions about the misuse of state resources. Commissioner-General Matanga, when questioned about the allegations and his interests in the mining operation, stated, “I am more involved in farming than mining at present. However, I will look into the SU deployments.”

This controversy adds to a series of accusations against Matanga, who ascended to his position in February 2018, succeeding Augustne Chihuri. He has previously been implicated in corrupt practices and mismanagement, including the irregular procurement of police vehicles. “The allegations of inflated prices for police vehicles and now the misuse of police for private gain are deeply concerning,” remarked an observer of Zimbabwean politics.

In 2021, Matanga was among the Zimbabwean officials sanctioned by the UK government for alleged human rights violations, highlighting the international community’s concern over governance and human rights in Zimbabwe. The unfolding saga at Parkgate mine further compounds the scrutiny Matanga faces, shedding light on the broader issues of governance, accountability, and the rule of law within Zimbabwe’s law enforcement agencies.- Agencies