Mwonzora Dumps Love Son, Blocks Ex-Girlfriend On WhatsApp
27 February 2024
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By Investigative Reporter – The leader of the MDC-T, Douglas Mwonzora, is said to have blocked his ex-girlfriend to prevent her from asking him to support their 10-year-old son they have together.

Gertrude Chuma, Mwonzora’s ex-lover, unveils a saga of neglect surrounding their nine-year-old son born out of wedlock before Harare magistrate Meenal Narotam in a session that left no room for the political leader to escape scrutiny.

Chuma, bearing the weight of raising their child alone, took Mwonzora to court, painting a stark picture of his alleged negligence.

According to Chuma, she is seeking a monthly maintenance fee of US$1,500 from Mwonzora, citing his affluent lifestyle as the basis for her demand.

The ex-lover argued that Mwonzora, as the president of a political party, owner of a farm in Nyanga, and a director at a law firm, possesses the financial means to meet her stipulated requirements for the child’s well-being.

Disturbingly, Chuma disclosed to the court that Mwonzora, despite his financial status, insisted on enrolling their child in a private school, even though he allegedly failed to fulfil his obligations in paying the school fees in full.

Adding another layer to the saga, Chuma accused Mwonzora of blocking her calls, further hindering communication regarding their child’s welfare.

This revelation raises questions about the leader’s commitment to maintaining a healthy co-parenting relationship.

In Mwonzora’s absence, the court ruled in favour of Chuma, granting her application and ordering the MDC-T president to pay US$500 monthly for the child’s upkeep.

The decision highlights the court’s recognition of the child’s right to financial support and emphasises Mwonzora’s responsibility as a father.

As the news of Mwonzora’s personal affairs takes centre stage, it remains to be seen how this revelation will impact his already precarious political standing in the MDC-T.

The spotlight on his private life may further contribute to the erosion of his leadership credibility, casting a shadow on the future of the sinking political party.