CIO Implicated In Fake Sikhala X Account
28 February 2024
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By Political Editor – Suspected state security agents have created a fake X account for former Zengeza West lawmaker Job Sikhala and are using it to twist information.

This came out Wednesday after Sikhala denied the authenticity of a Twitter account using his name, discouraging the wearing of party regalia at the burial of CCC activist Moreblessing Ali set for this weekend.

Sikhala labels the account as fake and alleges it to be a deliberate attempt to distort facts and manipulate public perception.

The outspoken opposition politician has clarified that the information circulating on the X account is entirely false, emphasising that he has not issued any directive against the use of party regalia, whether blue or yellow, at Moreblessing Ali’s funeral.

Sikhala firmly attributes the misinformation to state agencies, characterising it as part of an agenda-setting strategy aimed at influencing public opinion.

Sikhala states:

“I want to make it clear that the story claiming that I have directed the exclusion of party regalia, whether blue or yellow, at Moreblessing Ali’s funeral is a fabrication. It stems from a fake account operating under my name, orchestrated by state agencies. This misinformation must be disregarded, as its sole purpose is agenda setting.”

The dismissal by Sikhala highlights the challenges posed by misinformation and the potential involvement of state actors in shaping public narratives surrounding sensitive events.