Vic Falls Bomb Drama, Mnangagwa’s Plan To Eliminate Jenarari
1 March 2024
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By Political Reporter- Pro-opposition social media influencer Solomon Harudzibwi has cast doubt on the recent bomb scare at Victoria Falls International Airport, suggesting it may be a calculated move by President Emmerson Mnangagwa to eliminate potential opposition to his alleged third-term ambitions.

Mnangagwa’s supporters within ZANU PF reportedly initiated early campaigns for a constitutional amendment, aiming to pave the way for a third term in 2028—contrary to the existing constitutional limits.

On Friday, 01 March, Mnangagwa’s spokesperson, George Charamba, announced the President’s abrupt cancellation of his Victoria Falls trip due to a “credible bomb/firearm threat” targeting Zimbabwean airports.

Taking to social media platform X, Harudzibwi accused Mnangagwa of orchestrating a fabricated security incident, drawing parallels to past actions. He stated:

“I don’t doubt the possibility of Mnangagwa faking this bomb scare to annihilate all possible threats to his 3rd term bid. He has done it before with Gukurahundi. When a Hyena wants to eat its children, it first accuses them of smelling like goats…”

The influencer questioned the legitimacy of the provided email regarding the bomb scare, asserting that its premature release compromises potential investigations. 

Harudzibwi emphasized the administration’s eagerness to be believed, suggesting that the priority is to establish a narrative rather than conduct a genuine inquiry.

Despite President Mnangagwa’s cancellation of the trip, Vice President Constantino Chiwenga stepped in to officiate at the Southern Africa International Renewable Energy Conference and Expo.

 The incident has ignited speculation about the lengths some may go to secure political longevity, as Mnangagwa faces increasing scrutiny from both opponents and skeptics within his own party.