Mavaza Says Story On Monica Mutsvangwa Resignation Is The Work Of The Devil | FULL TEXT
3 March 2024
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By Dr Masimba Mavaza| Politicians aim to build positive reputations, often risking falsehoods for potential electoral benefits. As elections approach, the incentive for such falsehoods grows, risking detection too late. Politicians are cautious with falsehoods in detailed or scripted communications due to higher reputational risks.

Recently, Kerina Mujati and ZIMEYE have spread lies about the Mutsvangwa family, coinciding with Christopher Mutsvangwa’s removal from his ministerial position. This period marks significant scrutiny within Zimbabwe’s political and media landscape. The false accusations against the Mutsvangwa family reflect a turbulent political ground, transforming facts into opinions.

The audacious lie about a bomb at Mutsvangwa’s farm aims to undermine the family, highlighting the need for fact-checking beyond outrage. It’s confirmed that the Mutsvangwa family has not experienced a farm bombing. Monica Mutsvangwa has not resigned, nor plans to, debunking claims by ZIMEYE and Kerina Mujati as malicious.

Chris Mutsvangwa’s removal from a ministerial position, reported as a violent attack on his farm, is falsely portrayed. Cabinet members serve at the president’s will, emphasizing the president’s authority to appoint and remove officials.

The lies aim to damage the Mutsvangwas’ political careers and the party’s trust. Despite these attempts, the relationship between the President and the Mutsvangwas remains strong, emphasizing their loyalty to the country and president. The lies are condemned as demonic, satanic, and evil.

Monica Mutsvangwa remains in her position, and her farm is intact, calling for an end to the malicious attacks against the family.