Job Sikhala Lands Top New Political Grouping Post
4 March 2024
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By Political Reporter- Former Zengeza West Member of Parliament, Job Sikhala, has been nominated the leader of the National Democratic Working Group (NDWG), a dynamic political movement poised to reshape the political landscape.

The group, which prioritises people’s needs, revealed its leadership and outlined its strategic direction on Monday.

Sikhala announced the idea of forming a forward-thinking, pro-poor, and inclusive political initiative just days after his release from prison last month.

His vision appears to have materialised with the unveiling of NDWG.

In a statement issued on Monday, NDWG articulated its commitment to fostering a more inclusive and people-centric political environment.

Below is a statement issued by the NDWG Monday:


The National Democratic Working Group (NDWG) is a mass of our people driven movement of the democratic forces in Zimbabwe who are determined to build a solid base for our people to discuss their aspirations and find the best way forward. The NDWG has started the mobilisation of the masses of our people for the ultimate convening of the National Democratic People’s Convention, where people’s ideas and feedback will lead to the formation of a mass-based democratic peoples movement fighting for the takeover of government power.

The establishment of the NDWG is the brainchild of Honourable Job Sikhala and a host of concerned citizens and progressive constituent bodies who believe that the current democratic alternatives have failed to seize the opportunity when it mattered most, when the masses of our people were ready for the coronation of their power.

The lives of our people are in danger due to unending cycles of poverty, oppression, looting and plundering of the national resources and subversion of the will of our people through electoral theft and self imposition by an unpopular tyranny.

At the inaugural meeting of the NDWG, the delegates from the 10 provinces of Zimbabwe and various organisations unanimously resolved the following as part of he process of gathering people’s views about the Zimbabwe that they want;

  1. That within a month, Provincial Democratic Working Groups will be constituted by the masses of our people drawn from the churches, business, war veterans, women, youths and students, civil society, people living with disabilities among others whose key function will be to visit every ward and district to collate the views of the masses of our people through group meetings.
  2. The NDWG recognises the unresolved business of the war of liberation and takes it forward through a mass democratic struggle.
  3. The People are at the centre of solutions to the political, social and economic challenges in Zimbabwe.
  4. Inclusivity will define the work of all the organs of the National Democratic People’s Convention which will gather at a date to be advised to deliberate on the way forward based on the submissions from the expected 5 000 delegates.
  5. The National Democratic Working Group is a platform for the implementation of the mass democratic struggle of the people of Zimbabwe.

At the inaugural meeting of the NDWG held on Sunday 3 March 2024, the National Democratic Working Group of the National Democratic People’s Consultative Convention (NDPCC), the following office bearers were seconded to spearhead the mass democratic struggle:


Honourable Advocate JOB SIKHALA was unanimously seconded Facilitator & Chair


Mr. Gerald Tavengwa was elected Secretary.

Elected Heads of Departments are:

  1. Finance and Administration …. Mr. Pearson Mungofa
  2. Organizing …. Mr. Kuda Munengiwa
  3. Political Affairs …. Dr. Wurayayi Zembe
  4. Information and Publicity …. Mr. Darlington Chigwena
  5. Students and Youth Affairs…. Mr. Comfort Mpofu
  6. Labour, Economic and Social Services …. Mr. Nicholas Nqabuto Mabhena
  7. Women Affairs…. Ms Irene Tazvitya
  8. People Living with Disabilities …. Mr. Tawanda Nyathi
  9. Inclusion and Diversity …. Ms Yvonne Bosha
  10. Churches …. Dr. Alexander Chauke

Heads of Departments for War Veterans and Legal Affairs will be pronounced in due course.

NDWG Head of Information & Communication Department