By A Correspondent| Chief Felix Nhlanhlayamangwe Ndiweni, a prominent figure in Ntabazinduna, has criticized the Zanu-PF government’s actions regarding the commissioning of the Pupu Battlefield Memorial Site in Lupane, labeling it as “hypocritical.”
He alleges that rather than honoring Ndebele heritage, the government’s move serves its political agenda.
President Emmerson Mnangagwa inaugurated the monument and visited other national monuments commemorating the events leading to the battle where Ndebele warriors defeated White settlers.
The ceremony was attended by government officials, traditional leaders, and civilians.
Chief Ndiweni expressed surprise at this gesture, citing the government’s historical tribalism, which he believes has marginalized the Ndebele community.
He accuses the government of attempting to erase the history of organizations like ZAPU and ZPRA Forces, which were led by Ndebele leaders.
Furthermore, Chief Ndiweni argues that the government’s narrative surrounding the Battle of Pupu ignores the contributions of Ndebele descendants who fought alongside ZAPU and ZPRA during the liberation war.
He asserts that the government’s actions in the Ndebele region are often masked under the rhetoric of “Unity and Peace,” despite perpetuating oppression.
According to Chief Ndiweni, the erection of the Battle of Pupu monument is not about preserving Ndebele heritage but rather advancing the political interests of Zanu-PF.
He questions the sincerity of the government’s newfound interest in Ndebele history, particularly considering its past atrocities against the Ndebele people.
He highlights the government’s destruction of previous attempts by the Ndebele community to erect monuments commemorating the Ndebele Genocide, War Crimes, and Crimes Against Humanity.
Chief Ndiweni perceives the government’s involvement in the monument’s commissioning as an imposition, especially given the region’s voting patterns in recent elections.
In essence, Chief Ndiweni calls for a critical rejection of the narrative propagated by Zanu-PF and questions the government’s motives behind its actions in the Ndebele region.