By Godfrey Tsenengamu
Thats very true. I have decided to support ZANUPF and it is not a secret thats why I said it in public.
I know many people will say inzara well thats their view but handina kumbobvira ndakakumbira musuwa wesadza kumba kwavo kana munyu zvawo wematombo kuti vagozoti ndatumwa nenzara Such mentality yakadhakwa haina kusiyana nevamwe vanoti kusapota opposition unenge watengesa nyika kuvarungu kuti upiwe mari kana kuti watumwa nevarungu kuti uparadze Zimbabwe zvilibe kusiyana 6 na 9.
It is very unfortunate that some people can rush to judge someone they don’t even know outside social media.
You have a right to support or follow whatever party or leader waunoda thats the Zimbabwe we want izvi zvekuita label each other kuti mutengesi, mudzakutsaku, mupuruvheya zvakasara mhani.
Lets learn to be tolerant to divergent views and choices. Is that not the beauty of democracy??