Lawyers Dump Zanu PF Thug
13 May 2024
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By Crime and Courts Reporter- Lawyers in Masvingo are refusing to represent a notorious Zanu PF youth leader because of his violent behaviour.

Zanu PF Masvingo Provincial Youth leader Delight Mandebvu told local  Magistrate Elizabeth Hanzie to transfer his case against former Masvingo Mayor Collen Maboke to courts in other provinces.

Mandebvu appeared before Hanzie facing three counts of assault as well as one of negligent driving and was remanded out of custody to May 21 for him to get a chance to find a lawyer outside Masvingo.

He told the court that his plea was centred on the fact that local lawyers were shunning him since the complainant is also a lawyer and the court may rule in his favour as he is always at court as a lawyer but the magistrate turned down his plea saying his reasons were not satisfying.

“I am appealing to the court to allow my case to be dealt with other courts outside of Masvingo province because the complainant is a lawyer so the ruling can be in his favour. The ruling can only be fair if the case is heard elsewhere.

“It is difficult for me to get a lawyer in Masvingo because most of them are the complainant’s colleagues,” said Mandebvu.

On the night of the incident that landed him in court, Mandebvu and Maboke’s vehicles which were going different directions sideswiped before the vehicle Mandebvu was travelling in allegedly made a U-turn and blocked Maboke’s car which was being driven by his wife.

It is alleged that Mandebvu disembarked from his car and started assaulting the former mayor, his wife as well as another passenger who was in the latter’s car.

It is further alleged that during the brawl, a car approached the scene, failed to brake and hit Mandebvu who was reportedly in the middle of the road seriously injuring him in the process.

Mandebvu denied the accusations and said it was Maboke who saw his car heading to a food outlet and blocked it.

He said upon realizing that he was not in the vehicle, the Mabokes continued their journey, which is when they saw him at a lay-by along Masvingo-Mutare Road.

Mandebvu alleges that Maboke tried to cross the road towards him but returned to his vehicle, reversed it and hit Mandebvu, who fell on the ground.

He further said when Maboke and his accomplices heard that he had been taken to a clinic in Nyika, they followed him there and became violent assaulting his wife, mother and a nurse at the health institution.

Mandebvu is said to have since filed attempted murder charges against Maboke alleging that he was hit by the latter’s vehicle, not by any other vehicle as had been reported. 
