Bishop Ancelimo Magaya Speaks On Arrest of Neville Mutsvangwa
14 May 2024
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By A Correspondent|ZimEye

In the wake of the arrest of Neville Mutsvangwa, son of Zanu PF heavyweight Christopher Mutsvangwa, Zimbabwean cleric Bishop Ancelimo Magaya has issued a statement urging reflection and reform within the country’s political landscape.

Casting a critical eye on the recent developments, Bishop Magaya emphasized the need for justice and a holistic approach to address the root causes of Zimbabwe’s economic challenges.

“Whether the arrest of Neville Mutsvangwa reflects the schism within Zanu PF or is an act of justice, the development confirms what we have always warned: that there is no guaranteed security in the politics and life of double standards,” declared Bishop Magaya, highlighting the precarious nature of Zimbabwean politics.

Drawing parallels to past events, Bishop Magaya referenced the arrests of prominent figures such as Chombo, Moyo, Kasukuwere, and Zhuwao, as well as the late President Mugabe, to underscore the risks inherent in Zimbabwe’s political landscape.

He cautioned against complacency in the face of perceived power, stressing that no one is immune from the consequences of moral failure and misgovernance.

Bishop Magaya also addressed the inflammatory remarks made by Christopher Mutsvangwa, insinuating the arrest of advocate Chamisa, and linked them to Neville Mutsvangwa’s detention.

However, he urged for a more justice-based and holistic approach to addressing Zimbabwe’s economic woes, emphasizing the need to tackle corruption, violence, and injustices at the highest levels of government.

Referencing ancient scripture, Bishop Magaya highlighted the correlation between moral decay and economic collapse, citing Isaiah 1:21-23.

He called upon President Mnangagwa and his cabinet to engage in introspection, genuine repentance, and seek godly counsel in order to address the fundamental issues plaguing the nation.

“A more justice-based and holistic approach (that addresses the root cause of our economic failures) will be key in unlocking economic revival,” asserted Bishop Magaya, emphasizing the importance of moral leadership and governance reform in steering Zimbabwe towards prosperity.

Bishop Magaya echoed a fervent plea for God’s intervention to save Zimbabwe, underscoring the urgent need for decisive action and principled leadership to navigate the country through its current challenges.