Repent Now, Church Boldly Tells Mnangagwa
14 May 2024
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Whether the arrest of Neville Mutsvangwa reflects the schism within Zanupf or is an act of justice, the development confirms what we have always warned: that there is no guaranteed security in the politics and life of double standards.

There is no one building they edifice on a faulty foundation who is safe.

We warned so in June 2016 and we all know what happened not only to the likes of Chombo, Moyo ,Kasukuwere and Zhuwao but even to the late president Mugabe.

The hatred driven utterances by Mr Mutsvangwa insinuating the arrest of advocate Chamisa upon the latter’s abandonment of the deeply infected CCC fore-boarded the arrest of Neville.

However, a more justice based and holistic approach (that addresses the root cause of our economic failures) will be key in unlocking economic revival.

The ancient prophet (Isaiah 1:21-23) attributes the valuelessness of the national currency to corruption, violence/murder injustices and idolatry practiced by those in very top offices. Put differently, moral failure and misgovernance are the reasons for economic collapse.

Reading the aforesaid portion of Scripture, one gets the sense that they are reading about Zimbabwe.

We call upon President Mnangwagwa and his cabinet to introspect, genuinely repent, seek true Godly counsel and address economic fundamentals.

God save Zimbabwe.

Bishop Ancelimo Magaya