Mnangagwa Mourns Senior Cleric
15 May 2024
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PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has mourned Chief Shana of Hwange, and Reverend Ellison Kamupira, the Chaplain General of Nyaradzo Funeral Services who have been honored with state assisted funerals.

In a statement, the President exalted the role the two played in serving the nation in their respective roles.

“I received with deep sadness news of the unexpected passing on last week of Chief Shana of Hwange, and Reverend Ellison Kamupira, the Chaplain General of Nyaradzo Funeral Services.

“Chief Shana stood out as figure whose services to our Nation went beyond the immediate jurisdiction of his Chieftaincy, to encompass the National Council of Chiefs which he served with
distinction for many years, and the Senate towards which he gave his utmost in ensuring proper legislative balance and blend between modernity and our traditional values and identity.
A diligent proponent of Government development programmes through Devolution, the Chief always lived closer to his Community, even as he undertook and fulfilled national duties.

“Reverend Kamupira’s routinely lively ministry touched many lives by soothing the ill and consoling the bereaved in very difficult times. His sermons went beyond denominations, thus ecumenically symbolising the unity of faiths and churches in our Nation. We mourn his sad departure, and will certainly miss his light-hearted homilies beneath which lay deep compassion and empathy for the troubled, the sick, the dying and the bereaved,” said the President.

The President also announced that the two great men will get state assisted funerals.

“On behalf of Government, my Family and on my behalf, I wish to express my deepest, heartfelt condolences to both the Shana and Kamupira families on their saddest losses.

“Government has decided to honour these two great men by extending State assistance and support towards all funeral expenses. May their dear souls rest in eternal peace.”