Sikhala Delivers Message Of Hope To Zim Legislators
16 May 2024
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By A Correspondent| In a resounding show of support for embattled Members of Parliament in Zimbabwe, the Secretary-General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), Martin Chungong, has pledged unwavering solidarity amid escalating government crackdowns.

Chungong, known for his staunch advocacy of parliamentary rights and democratic principles, conveyed a message of defiance against what he termed “unprocedural recalls and persecution” faced by Zimbabwean legislators.

Speaking from the IPU Headquarters in Geneva, Chungong issued a direct plea to the beleaguered MPs, assuring them of his steadfast commitment to securing justice and safeguarding their rights.

“Please tell the Members of Parliament in Zimbabwe under attack from their government that I will stand with them to obtain justice from the unprocedural recalls and persecution they are going through,” stated Chungong, echoing his unwavering support for parliamentary democracy worldwide.

The genesis of this declaration of solidarity traces back to a poignant encounter between Chungong and a Zimbabwean parliamentarian, whose identity remains undisclosed, during a visit to the IPU Headquarters.

Recounting their interaction, Chungong reminisced about the tumultuous period of incarceration faced by the Zimbabwean representative, emphasizing the pivotal role played by the IPU in advocating for justice.

“I stood with them during the period of my incarceration,” Chungong revealed, highlighting the IPU’s proactive engagement in ensuring fair trials and upholding parliamentary privileges.

He recounted how the IPU dispatched Justice Abdool Rahim Khan of Botswana to observe the Zimbabwean MP’s trials, underscoring the organization’s commitment to monitoring human rights violations within parliamentary settings.

Furthermore, Chungong disclosed imminent plans by the IPU Division on Human Rights of Parliamentarians to dispatch a delegation to visit the imprisoned legislator, signaling a concerted effort to amplify international scrutiny of Zimbabwe’s governance landscape.

“It’s not a lost cause,” Chungong asserted, exuding optimism amidst the prevailing adversities.

“The world is well-informed about what is happening behind the curtains in Zimbabwe.”

As the IPU mobilizes its resources to confront the specter of persecution haunting Zimbabwean MPs, Chungong’s resolute message serves as a beacon of hope for those ensnared in the throes of authoritarianism