Mama Vee Copycat Arrested In The Middle Of Recording A Skit
17 May 2024
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By A Correspondent| A Harare comedian was recently arrested by the Zimbabwe Republic Police while recording a social media skit dressed like a woman.

The comedian Musa Vines was ambushed by police officers while going about his business who arrested and handcuffed him.

Efforts to try and explain what he was doing to the police officers did not yield results as they forced him to sit down.

In a video making rounds on social media, Musa Vines is heard pleading with the police to let him continue with his acting.

 “Haaa musadaro. Angori ma video epa TikTok andinenge ndichiita hapamborina yakanyaya Sir. Honai vanhu vese vakuungana. Musadaro mdara ndikungokumbirawo. Icomedy yandinenge ndichingoita.”

The police officer then yanked the wig off Musa Vines’ head, refusing to budge. He was promising the comedian that he was going to sleep in custody.

Zimbabwe has witnessed an increase in the number of social media actors who imitate women including Mama Vee, Mai Chihwa and Mai Kirifodhi among others.