Will Police Arrest Zanu PF Hooligans?
18 May 2024
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By A Correspondent

In a shocking display of political violence, known Zanu PF hooligans physically attacked supporters of Advocate Nelson Chamisa during a Parliamentary public hearing on the Private Voluntary Organisation Amendment Bill.

The incident took place at the Civic Centre in Masvingo on Thursday, leaving Chamisa’s supporters, including civil society members, battered and bruised.

Eyewitnesses reported that the assailants were a group of inebriated youths affiliated with the ruling Zanu PF party. The hearing, intended to gather public input on the controversial bill, quickly descended into chaos as the intoxicated youths began to assault attendees. “It was terrifying,” said one resident who wished to remain anonymous.

“They were drunk and seemed intent on causing as much harm as possible.”

The Private Voluntary Organisation Amendment Bill has been a contentious issue, with many civil society groups arguing that it seeks to further restrict the operations of non-governmental organizations in Zimbabwe.

Critics fear the bill could be used to clamp down on dissent and limit the activities of groups that provide essential services and advocate for human rights.

A member of a local civil society organization, recounted the ordeal: “We were there to voice our concerns about the bill, but it quickly became clear that Zanu PF did not want to hear any opposing views. They attacked us without any provocation.”

The victim, who sustained minor injuries, added, “This kind of violence has no place in a democratic society.”

This incident is the latest in a series of violent episodes attributed to Zanu PF supporters, raising concerns about the state of political tolerance in Zimbabwe.

Human rights organizations have repeatedly called on the government to curb such acts of violence and ensure the safety of all citizens, regardless of their political affiliations.

The attack in Masvingo has drawn widespread condemnation from both local and international observers.

“The international community must take note of these violations,” urged a spokesperson for a leading human rights organization.

“Zimbabwe’s government needs to protect its citizens and uphold democratic principles, especially during such crucial public consultations.”

Advocate Chamisa and his supporters remain undeterred, however, vowing to continue their fight for democracy and justice.

“We will not be intimidated,” Chamisa’s supporters declared.

“Our resolve to build a better Zimbabwe is stronger than ever, and no amount of violence will deter us from this noble cause.”

The government is yet to issue an official statement regarding the attack.

Meanwhile, civil society groups are calling for an immediate investigation and the prosecution of those responsible for the violence at the Civic Centre.