Christopher Mutsvangwa Denies Being Under Fire
21 May 2024
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By A Correspondent| Zanu PF Spokesperson has denied that he is under fire from his party leadership.

This follows his removal from a cabinet post and the recent arrest of his son Neville on charges of illegal foreign currency trading and using a Starlink device without license.

Speaking at the Zanu PF press conference on Monday, Mutsvangwa said he will be around as he is a child of the revolution.

“I’m not under fire as is reported by some sections of the media, I am good, I’m a child of the revolution, I have been many things in the past and I’m around and I will be around,” he responds to a question.

His son, Neville Mutsvangwa was a fortnight ago arrested and is currently locked up on allegations of dealing in foreign currency and money laundering, among other criminal charges.