Marriage V11 Proves Mai Titi Lied To Heathrow Airport She’s Married To Gilbert
24 May 2024
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The consequences of Mai Titi (Felistas Murata)’s deceptions to an immigration officer at Heathrow Airport that she is married to a certain Gilbert Kandiado are likely to be severe and long-lasting, affecting her ability to travel, work, and live in foreign countries. Legal advice should be sought immediately to address these issues proactively, solicitors have advised.

The consequences are likely to extend beyond the UK to affect future visa applications to other European countries and the United States.

### Legal Risks in the UK

1. **False Representation:** Under the UK Immigration Rules, providing false information or documents (including lying about marital status) constitutes a false representation. This is covered under paragraph 320(7A) of the rules. A person found to have used deception in their application—including lying verbally during an interview—can be refused entry or leave to remain in the UK.

2. **Consequences of Deception:** The immediate consequence of being found to have lied to an immigration officer is typically a refusal of entry or visa application. Furthermore, the individual can also face a re-entry ban to the UK, which can last up to 10 years. This is detailed in paragraph 320(7B) of the Immigration Rules.

3. **Criminal Charges:** Beyond immigration penalties, there could be criminal implications. Under the UK’s Immigration Act 1971, it is a criminal offense to make a false representation knowingly or recklessly in order to obtain a leave to enter or remain in the UK. Convictions can lead to imprisonment and/or a fine.

### Impact on Visa Applications to Other European Countries and the US

1. **Schengen Area and EU Countries:** European countries typically share information about immigration offenses and bans within the Schengen Information System (SIS) and other databases. A record of deception in the UK can lead to refusals of Schengen visas or entry denials by other EU countries, as these nations often take into account previous immigration histories and bans imposed by other countries within the area.

2. **United States:** The US Department of State also considers immigration violations and deception in visa applications very seriously. Under U.S. immigration law, particularly the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), providing false information can render an individual inadmissible. This could result in a denial of a visa application and potentially a permanent bar on entry to the United States.

### General Advice

– **Disclosure and Transparency:** It’s important to be honest and transparent in all dealings with immigration authorities. If there has been a previous instance of providing misleading or false information, it is advisable to consult with an immigration lawyer who can provide guidance on potentially rectifying the situation, such as through proper disclosure in subsequent applications.

– **Legal Representation:** Engaging a legal expert who specializes in immigration law can help navigate the complexities of immigration processes and provide advice tailored to individual circumstances, particularly if there are complicating factors such as previous misrepresentations.

– **Impact on Future Travel:** Understand that immigration offenses can severely impact one’s ability to travel internationally, not just to the UK but globally. This can affect both personal and professional opportunities abroad.