Chris Mutsvangwa Admits Family Going Through Difficult Time Over Son’s Arrest
27 May 2024
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By A Correspondent| Zanu PF Spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa has admitted that his son Neville Mutsvangwa’s arrest and detention is giving the family difficult times.

Speaking a local radio station over the weekend Mutsvangwa said as a family they were going through extreme difficulties trying to cope with the situation.

High Court judge Justice Esther Muremba has recused herself from the Neville Mutsvangwa bail ruling citing personal reasons. The matter has since been referred back to the registrar. “Obviously as parents we are going through extreme difficulties but we have the fortitude,” he says. Neville is accused of contravening the Exchange Control Act, Bank Use Promotion and Suppression of Money Laundering Act as well as the Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Act.

There are unconfirmed claims that Neville was arrested and detained as part of controversial businessman Wicknell Chivhayo’s scheme to get the Starlink license without competition. Neville is believed to have been the first to seek a partnership with American billionaire Elon Musk to bring the much sought after Starlink deal.