Former Herald Columnist Drops Bombshell On Wicknell Chivhayo Money
27 May 2024
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By A Correspondent| Former columnist of The Herald, Reason Wafawarova has dropped a bombshell on Facebook after claiming that controversial businessman and ex-convict Wicknell Chivhayo is renting a house that he is staying.

Recent media reports have alleged that Chivhayo is staying at former Police Commissioner General Augustine Chihuri’s US$7 Million house.

Recently Chivhayo offered Chimurenga music icon Dr Thomas Tafirenyika Mapfumo a house worth US$700 000 and an am upkeep allowance of US$300 000.

He also donated US$1 Million to the Johane Marange church and has been on a spending spree splashing money on cars for musicians and Zanu PF activists.

This has raised so much questions in society as no-one really understands Chivhayo’s business operations.

Now Wafawarova has claimed that the flamboyant but controversial figure does not have the money that he continuously claim to have, alleging that there is some high profile person behind his pseudo-philanthropy.

“I hear he paid advance rent of $160 000 for the rented property he resides at. Then he is offering Mapfumo a $700K house and a $300K upkeep allowance. Who is financing his pseudo-philanthropy and what’s the game plan? The cars, the $1 million to ZCC, and all the numerous gifts?,” said Wafawarova.

Meanwhile, President Emmerson Mnangagwa has given the sole and exclusive rights to distribute Starlink devices in the country in a move that has quoted controversy as the chubby businessman has of late been seen with Mnangagwa even at official government events.

The revelations by Reason Wafawarova have added another layer of complexity to the enigmatic figure of Wicknell Chivhayo, a businessman whose flamboyant lifestyle and controversial past have always drawn public scrutiny. Chivhayo’s reputation is a blend of high-profile generosity and a murky financial background, which has now come under further examination following Wafawarova’s claims. The context of Chivhayo’s spending is critical to understanding the significance of these allegations. His offer of a US$700,000 house and US$300,000 upkeep allowance to Dr. Thomas Mapfumo, a revered figure in Zimbabwean music, was seen by many as a grand gesture. However, in light of Wafawarova’s claims, such magnanimity is now questioned. Is this generosity a façade backed by unseen financial muscles, or is it a genuine act of philanthropy? The narrative is further complicated by Chivhayo’s US$1 million donation to the Johane Marange church and the luxury cars he has lavished on musicians and political figures, particularly those aligned with Zanu PF. Wafawarova’s insinuations suggest a deeper intrigue, possibly involving high-ranking officials or hidden benefactors. His pointed question, “Who is financing his pseudo-philanthropy and what’s the game plan?” resonates with a public increasingly skeptical of unchecked wealth and influence. These allegations prompt a broader investigation into the sources of Chivhayo’s funds and the motivations behind his extravagant spending. Moreover, Chivhayo’s close ties with President Mnangagwa have raised concerns about political patronage and corruption. The exclusive rights to distribute Starlink devices—a significant and potentially lucrative deal—granted to Chivhayo have stoked suspicions of favoritism. Mnangagwa’s government, already criticized for cronyism and lack of transparency, faces further backlash with this association. Chivhayo’s frequent appearances alongside Mnangagwa at official events bolster the narrative of a cozy relationship between business and politics in Zimbabwe, where the lines of power and wealth often blur. Public reaction to these developments has been one of growing skepticism and demand for accountability. Zimbabweans, who have witnessed decades of economic turmoil and political corruption, view Chivhayo’s story with a mix of intrigue and wariness. The potential exposure of a financial puppet master behind Chivhayo’s ostentatious acts would not only tarnish his image but could also implicate key figures in the government, leading to significant political ramifications. In summary, the bombshell dropped by Wafawarova challenges the public to reconsider the narrative of Wicknell Chivhayo. It shifts the spotlight onto potential hidden dynamics of power and wealth in Zimbabwe, calling for greater scrutiny and transparency. Whether Chivhayo is a genuine philanthropist or a front for more sinister financial operations remains a pivotal question, the answer to which could unravel deeper truths about the interplay of business and politics in the country.