Unmasking Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Pretence
24 July 2024
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It is quite disturbing that members of the SADC region are falling over each other to condemn Israel for the war against Palestine while they wine and dine with the black apartheid government of Zimbabwe in their own region that has committed genocide against Matabeles in which over 40 000 innocent Matabele civilians including women and children were slaughtered.

What is more disgusting is the fact that Zimbabwe, which is the perpetrator of Matabele genocide and tribal oppression of more than 5 million Matabeles is more vocal in supporting the two state solution between Israel and Palestine while it is denying Matabeles the same right to self determination.

In 2015, Matabeleland Liberation Organisation- MLO President, Cde Paul Siwela, on behalf of MLO, delivered a Notice of Demand for the Restoration of Matabeleland State which shall join the family of nations as The Republic of Matabeleland- RoM.

Copies of the Notice of Demand were also distributed to all SADC countries and other African states as we have nothing to hide and our cause is just.

The Zimbabwe President by then, late Robert Mugabe pretended as if did not know anything about the notice until he was overthrown through a military coup by Emmerson Mnangagwa and died in exile in 2017.

Mr Mnangagwa continues to bury his head in the sand concerning Matabeleland restoration cause, lifting it up only when he issues death threats to all Matabeles who are fearlessly and unapologetically demanding the restoration of Matabeleland state.

Currently, the Zimbabwe government is conducting an illegal process named ” Gukurahundi Hearings” in which the perpetrator is the judge and jury in his own case of genocide to minimise the scale of genocide, get rid of evidence cleanse self of Matabele blood and give a false narrative of the whole situation.

MLO and the people of Matabeleland are saddened and pained by the perpetrator’s lack of remorse and heartlessness. We take this as disrespect of the dead and living Matabele genocide victims and provocation that must not go unpunished.

Again, our brothers and sisters in the SADC region, Africa and the world are turning a blind eye to diabolical events and injustcies taking place in Zimbabwe against Matabeles.

It seems there are some tribes and governments in the SADC region and Africa that are given the license to wantonly murder and tribally oppress others. And there are some that must be permanent slaves of others to be continuasly slaughtered and oppressed abused.

“If you are neutral in the situations of injustice you have taken the side of the oppressor” Achibishorp Desmond Tutu once said. It is clear that our African brothers from the SADC region and beyond are taking the side of the perpetrator in Zimbabwe.

We call upon all peace loving good people and organisations in the world to support the two state solution in Zimbabwe that will permanently solve Matabele genocide, tribal oppression, Matabele- Shona tribal animosity and political abuse of the people of Matabeleland in Zimbabwe.

Our demands to the government of Zimbabwe are as follows:

i) restoration of Matabeleland state as at 3 November 1893

ii) payment of US$ 100 billion reparations for Matabele genocide

iii) unconditional withdrawal of trumped up treason charges and warrant of arrest against MLO President Cde Paul Siwela

Israel Dube

MLO Secretary for Information and Public Affairs