Tsvangirai Aide’s Ghost Haunts Zanu PF Thugs
24 November 2024
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By Political Reporter- Seven men in Mashonaland Central who murdered an MDC-T activist during the violent 2008 election runoff are reportedly being tormented by the spirit of their victim.

According to local accounts, the spirit demands 27 cattle from each perpetrator as compensation, but they have only paid 10 cattle so far.

This haunting serves as a grim reminder of the brutal 2008 elections when Zanu PF supporters unleashed a wave of terror after the late Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC-T defeated Robert Mugabe in the first round of voting.

More than 200 opposition activists were killed, thousands displaced, and countless others tortured in a campaign to retain power.

The violence eventually forced Tsvangirai to withdraw from the runoff, paving the way for a controversial win by Mugabe.

However, mounting domestic and international pressure compelled the rival parties to form a unity government in 2009.

Tsvangirai became prime minister in a fragile coalition intended to stabilise the country’s politics and economy.