DISTURBING VIDEO: Harare Violence Among Teenagers
20 May 2014
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A highly disturbing video has emerged of Harare seven 19 year olds assaulting a female colleague, one of their own.
The video, recorded from a Harare avenues location, shows the seven teenagers ganging up to attack the helpless young women.
One of the attackers, a woman, is seen approaching the victim and accusing her of hurling insults at her. “You called me a prostitute did you not?” asks the second attacker after the first had swung a thick horse pipe on her.KIDS
Th second attacker is then seen punching and kicking the victim, while brutally pulling her hair several times.The victim begins to ask for mercy, but the unnamed attacker appears not moved as she continues to intensify the butchering.
Could these occurrences be a norm in Harare nowadays?  – This is because during the numerous oft times loud attacks, two adults pass by the same lane and they are seen ignoring the vivid commotion, despite the agony the victim is suffering.
The names of the attackers together with the victim were not known at the time of writing, and neither the identity of the youth recording the video.

– CLICK here to watch the video if the clip does not load directly –


18 Replies to “DISTURBING VIDEO: Harare Violence Among Teenagers”

  1. Please let us not justify and from support negative things in society- revenge and violence.’Chitadzo hachidzoseranwe veduwee’ I know neither of these girls whichever of them you regard to be the victim but whatever the crime the other girl commited didn’t warrant brutalising her as we saw. Surely, striking her several strokes with a hose, punching her head allover, kicking in the stomach and pulling her hair disturbed some of us as acts of savage brutality that cannot be justified. Otherwise we’ll equally be judged for justifying vice in society.St. Paul who himself had repented from brutalising Christ’s followers advise us, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another just as Christ God forgave you Ephesian 4:32).

  2. skumbuzo if u watch the first clip yemu class when the victim paairova nyakurova i think ud tek ur words back

  3. honestly hapana anorohwa asina zvaaita n hey wen u post a strypost ehle thngther is a video showin e victim beatin up that girl in dai angaasingade kurohwa sh shld v nt lit e fire

  4. This is nauseating and troubling to watch and witness the level of wickedness and violence perpetrated even by youths in our society! Our society has become bloodthirsty. How on earth could a group of young people be so cruel, callous and conscienceless as to watch and applaud a degrading crime on a fellow Zimbabwean. The aggressive girl seen assaulting the defenceless victim is heartless,evil minded and unforgiving. Nahai nyakurova mumwe, kana usiri hure unogovhundukirei. Chokwadi chinorwadza ukati handihwengo! Ungakuvadzira mumwe wako nyaya dzamakuhwa.Haunyare! Futi uri gwara nokuti wanga uchirova munhu akabatwa neshamwari yako. Muchandotsva kugehena mose!Even those who were watching will also be judged by the Lord for lack of mercy. Noe of you was a good Samaritan!”Wakandiona ndichoshungurudwa ukasandibatsira”.Hell awaits for you guys. The wages of sin is death-such cruelty should not be tolerated. Those seen milling around, you’re accomplices to crime and should also be arrested. As the victim begged for mercy, why couldn’t you help her and forgive her.The police should investigate this and bring the criminals to justice. Ini ndarwadziwa sokunge ndini ndairohwa veduwee! May the Lord save Zimbabwe!

  5. KuZim kuchinepolice here.Its so sad when the police is so corrupt people commit crimes with impunity

  6. No one deserves this. Justice please! this girl akaitwa kafira mberi….I am sure she is brain dead chete!!!!

  7. Did anyone see seven teenagers ganging up on the poor girl? Was I watching the wrong clip?

  8. Am just wondering how the victim came to be sorrounded by so many people against her in that sanitary lane. The perpetrator of the violence was charged by ana pparent negative reference made by the victim. I think it struck a cord somehow because she had indulged. The victim was enticed into getting into that dark alley, funny enough. I would not have agreed to go there in the first place. The most painful part is that she is repentant and pleading for mercy but the perpetrator is getting none of it. Surely, the enraged and beating girl will not make a good adult, unless something changes her. Sad!

  9. Man in red, your anger is misdirected. Reporters report, that is their job, as far as possible they detach themselves emotionally from their stories. They merely bring to our attention events that they deem newsworthy and you cannot expect them at the same time to act as the policeman, lawyer/judge/jury. These were not minors in this video, but young women. The onus is on the bashed girl to report to the police, especially on the strength of the existing video footage, which is now online and which Zimeye can surrender as evidence.

  10. Imbwa iyi inonzi Chandodog yanyanya pese pese hu hu hu! Imbwa iyi ngaizive zvekublamba kazhing-zhong kayo kekunyangara kane chebe rinobuda honye apa kachipisika mukanwa

  11. Editor we are tired of disturbing videos without action taken after. Whats the purpose of your jono take action let the people know wy its bad to beat up sme like this either innocent or guilt. The video shooter must had done something to help but what he wanted was to upload a video for your page to hell with him.
    Pfambi idzo ngadzisunwe. “NANI” pasina adzimhangarira do some investigative journalism please people should know that your site does not only publish stories only, but also take action and help this is not a political case which you may say ah ko ndakazozivikanwa.

  12. Nothing surprising with this, they learnt this violent behaviour from their fathers who killed our innocent relatives.

  13. Inste of filming that vedio you should have helped that girl ,u are very stupit

  14. Iwe vanga uchitora video uripapi. Unoda kuti vamwe vaite hu good samaritan ko iwe? Unobva vashaya kuti zviri kumbofamba sei?

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