Mugabe Death Dreadlock Activist Goes Underground
4 December 2013
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The Denmark based writer Tendai Tagarira who decided to grow dreadlocks and keep them mushrooming in his head until Robert Mugabe has died, has gone underground.
Three years ago Tagarira vowed never to cut his hair until Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe has died.
Challenging the ageing dictator Tagarira said: “Tagarira has made himself a pledge. He will not allow his hair to be cut – not to become a Rastafarian – but to protest against Mugabe. When the aging sole ruler of Zimbabwe is dead, Tagarira will get his hair cut to mark a new beginning.”
But Mr Tagarira has since gone underground after as he stated, ‘receiving threats’ against his family members.
Tagarira said he has shut down his Facebook account and gone out of the Zimbabwean public scene because his mother received death threats.
He however did not comment on his Mugabe death dreadlocks if he still has them.
The young writer lives in Denmark and has not been in the digital public for the past 6 months.


35 Replies to “Mugabe Death Dreadlock Activist Goes Underground”

  1. Iwe siyana nezvaurikuita. Mudhara haana kwaarikuinda. Ndiwe Mwari here unomu wisha dead. Namata hama yangu. Leave the old man alone. God Blessed him, so Zimbabwe could be blessed. Hakunazve nyika ichawana a leader like him. Count yourself and your families blessed to have lived during R. G. Mugabe’s reign. Unofunga isu tose tinomuda hatisi vanhu. Sak you interests come before everyone else. This man has done for Zimbabwe what the rest of African leaders have failed to do for their own people. God has annointed him so and so shall he be till he meets his creator. Whenever God wants. I wish mudhara many more. Murume uyu ngaararame. Even kutonga ngaatonge kusvika Mwari achida. Tonga mudhara. Nyanga wakabata and we are all fine with that. We all love you.

  2. I just hope that he will not just appear one day and starts to claim how he was shaved by the ‘CIOs’. Its really shameful what some of us Zimbabweans do for the sake of pleasing the Anglo-Saxons and their kith and kin.
    When he made his ‘vow’ it was the ‘revelations’ that President Mugabe is now a cancer patient and will soon migrate to the other side of life. Unfortunately for him the President still has more years to live.

  3. The alleged death threats & disappearing act are a VERY CHEAP PUBLICITY STUNT!!…pamwe mbanje dzidzo dziri kuwanzwa!! Kana kuti kwave kunyara!!
    How does a sane person make mhiko dzakadai nekufa kwemumwe munhu?! Are you not aware of the simple but profound truth that God the Almighty is the custodian of all life?!
    I know a lot of MDC-T supporters & sympathisers are bitter & disappointed that Gushaz is still alive & kicking. It’s a known & obvious fact that like any mortal man, he will go when his God-appointed time comes.
    Twuma stunts twaana Tagarira ndetwekudhakwa!!…ngaabvunze Thomas Mapfumo uyo akambobvotomoka achitiwo “handidzokere kuZimbabwe kusvika Mugabe afa”, akatadza kuuya kuzoviga mai vake chaivo pavakashaya, iye zvino ari kungonyara-nyara kuti odzoka sei

  4. its bad to wish someone dead,ini ndaida kuti mudhara azorore toisa president umwe ,bt wishing him dead is too far

  5. he went over bounce. you cant wish a person`s death. used ne ma imperialists now they have dumbed him Mudhara ahwinazve kuno. its good to have differing political views but insulting those who vote and support Mugabe by wishing him dead is calling for your own demise.

  6. Karma-what u put out in the universe is what u get, That yorkshire Bishop ,though I feel sorry for him and hope he gets better now has cancer, who knows, Mugabe could be an anointed person of God, this boy Tendai might actually die before him for what we wish on others normally happens to us too. Ask God for forgiveness, he will hear you and learn to love

  7. ndomashura padare ungashuvira kufa kwamambo wako , wadii kushuvira kufa kwa bush na blair vakauraya sadam nevana vake

  8. Zvanzi akaita curse yakameresa dread mukanwa, pasi petsoka nekumashure kikikikiki! Cant face the people.

  9. Kkkkkkkk. Tindo should just say life is now misfiring in the diaspora. That’s his main reason for going underground. Remember him for that racist fracas in a bar in Denmark? The guy is frustrated and can even afford access to masaisai ebunganyaya (internet accesss). He is not a threat at all to the Mugabe government. Tsvangirai and some MDC-T activists who are more threatening are still alive and kicking right here in Zim. What problem is an unemployed diasporan that warrants torture of an old woman? Hey Tindo, come home, mama is waiting for her son!

  10. He is an idiot. I know why he is quiet these days. Since that day when he was refused entry into a whites only pub in Denmark, he then realised how hard these pink devils are to please and decided to go underground. Typical of all sellouts

  11. Remove that filthy, mop-like thing from your head, you nefarious, hell-bend, endangered specie. You want to be popular for the wrong reasons. Be on the look-out.

  12. Wishing someone dead ndoda is not acceptable, you betta keep that to yourself and people will mistake you for a Rasta not an evil someone. Life is God given & God taken. Repent & work up young man.

  13. He thinks he can enjoy good publicity by attacking our dear leader foolishly! Thomas MAPFUMO spoke against Cde Mugabe to get permit to live in the US! Today he misses home and is frustrated becoz he thought he would sing his way back after the July , 31 elections thinking Tsvangiruzah was going to win! Kuda kufadza varungu nokutaura bullshit about our dear leader chete chete ? Even some “bishops “ who thought they were closer to God insulted God by praying for Cde MUGABE`s departure to heaven! I am also reminded of the UK ( Uganda born) Anglican bishop who threw away his dog collar church attire praying for Morgan`s sellout rule in Zim ! My foot!

  14. At least the guy is a fighter who cares for his family. Don’t worry Cde Tagarira, the dreadlock cutting day is drawing closer by the day! Forget the fools who believe the goblin cannot die, they are just that, mere fools…

  15. Ini mudhara handichamudi panyanga but handimushuvire kufa, ndinotomushuvira upenyu just like everybody else, upenyu ndehwashe. Zvino ko ukatanga kufa uriwe?

  16. Zvakaipa to wish someone dead.
    God is the giver of life and the terminator.
    This guy,maybe the first to go.

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