Students; Your Life Five Years from Today
12 January 2015
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‘Five or ten years from today things will not be the same.’ Yes, five years from now things will be totally different.
Some of your colleagues who seem to be doing well because of the support from parents, and they look down on you. But five years from now their parents will not be supporting them anymore. What will count five or ten years from now is who you real are. Not what school or university you attended.
Today, you may not be dressed well, because of your family background. But five years from now if you are not dressed, well, it’s your fault. You will not be blaming you parents anymore. Today, you do not have airtime in your phone because of your family background. But if you still do not have air time five years from now, well, it’s your problem. And surprisingly most of the people out there still do not have enough food, clothes or airtime, five year later. So, guys, things do not just happen, ‘use your time today to secure your tomorrow.’
So whatever you do today, do things that will put you in the ‘reaping side’ five or ten years from now. Where you are today does not matter but where you are going matters. Many people get blind-sided by the environment their family put them, at the expense of their future. Do not make this mistake. Life is big. Take small steps, solid steps to improve your life in a sustainable way. Beware of fly-by-night happy things, or selling your life for bowl of soup!!
Here are hard truths that are never said. The majority who are hungry today, will still be hungry in five years! Why, mainly because they are not implementing concrete plans for their future. On the other hand some people who are well feed today will be hungry five years from now. Why, perhaps most likely because they think that the person feeding them will keep feeding them forever.
But there are few who are hungry today, but will have more than enough in five years. These are the few who think using the bigger picture, those who are willing to sacrifice today to live a higher life later in the future.
You will be surprised to know how people do not want to sacrifice. This type of greed leads the majority into get-rich-quick routes, which do not work. So, start by building a solid foundation.
I have seen again and again ‘clever’ people making stupid choices out of desperation. They do this thinking that they are getting ahead. Ten years later you see them way behind, stuck, battling to make things work. These choices are mostly in relationships, career and finances.
Beware of where the pain you are feeling today will take you! Desperation is your biggest snare! In life you only have one shot! You better make it your best! Use every ounce of wisdom you can gather each time.
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