Mugabe Caught In Sex V’ Storm
11 December 2014
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President Robert Mugabe has been caught in a storm over sex and gender bias constitutional violations, an abuse following his unilateral appointment of a male dominated presidium.
Yesterday Wednesday, Mugabe announced a “Crocodile dominated,” (as it has since been termed), all male presidium, which action violates strict stipulations of the New Constitution, rights’ experts have warned.
A day earlier President Mugabe had unprocedurally fired former Vice President Joice Mujuru replacing her with long time loyale Mr. Emmerson Mnangagwa and another man Phelekezela Mphoko. Besides the New Constitution, it has long been Mugabe’s moral stance that at least one person in the Presidium has to be female being also the reason why he in 2004 blocked Mnangagwa saying a woman, Mujuru should be given passage. Until yesterday it was speculated that Senate supremo Ednar Madzongwe would be one of the Vice Presidents which however never occurred.
Top lawyer and legislator for Harare West, Jessie Majome said due to Mugabe’s actions, section 17 of the Constitution has been jeopardised.
“Once a woman is removed it becomes unlikely that she’ll be replaced by another. The gender balance required by section 17 of the Constitution is in jeopardy from lack of political will,” she said.
Girl Child Network founder Betty Makoni weighed in saying the commotion of purgings seen in recent weeks was just an attempt to push out a woman.
“All that drama was trying to push out a powerful woman and put these plus 70 age groups of men. Their generation is not ashamed,” she said.
Meanwhile constitutional experts have voiced that Robert Mugabe violated the constitution by just writing a dismissal letter with uncorroborated allegations.

6 Replies to “Mugabe Caught In Sex V’ Storm”

  1. The two women you have mentioned here are political activists in opposition politics of hate …. Is there anything wrong with changing a constitution ? You are the laughable one ..just because it’s ZANU PF then you think it’s a big joke . I bet you won’t be surprised if you saw your son suddenly wear a dress and you would call that progress because it’s done in progressive countries !!

  2. The two women you have mentioned here are political activists in opposition politics of hate …. Is there anything wrong with changing a constitution ? You are the laughable one ..just because it’s ZANU PF then you think it’s a big joke . I bet you won’t be surprised if you saw your son suddenly wear a dress and you would call that progress because it’s done in progressive countries !!

  3. @Zvokwadi. You clearly did not read the article and you also did not apply your mind before before writing your post. The article mentioned names of ‘experts’
    (Jesse Majome and Betty Makoni) so the issue of faceless experts does not arise. Further, your suggestion that gender is not a factor to be considered when appointing people is a very outdated idea. This is premised on the fact that there are many women in Zimbabwe who are educated and experienced enough to take up literally any post including that of President. So that we do not have a female in the presidium should be viewed as retrogression. We had set a good precedent for other countries. The problem is that our President does not respect anything other than his feelings. The Zanu PF constittion says there shall be a National Chairman, but he set that aside and declared that it is no longer necessary!! This is laughable!! Hahahahahahaha

  4. TOTALLY USELESS STORY!! But hey, wait a minute:
    * why is it that support for Mujuru is coming from opposition activists and faceless “experts”??!!
    * is it NOT common sense that APPOINTEES serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority??!! Isn’t it obvious that, unlike in a work situation where a dismissal has to be supported by cogent reasons or justification, it’s sufficient for the appointing authority to “lose confidence” in the appointee, and des NOT even need to give any reasons??!!
    * would it have made any sense for Gushaz to appoint a woman {??affirmative action]for the sake of pleasing feminists instead of looking at issues of competence, loyalty, etc??!!

  5. TOTALLY USELESS STORY!! But hey, wait a minute:
    * why is it that support for Mujuru is coming from opposition activists and faceless “experts”??!!
    * is it NOT common sense that APPOINTEES serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority??!! Isn’t it obvious that, unlike in a work situation where a dismissal has to be supported by cogent reasons or justification, it’s sufficient for the appointing authority to “lose confidence” in the appointee, and des NOT even need to give any reasons??!!
    * would it have made any sense for Gushaz to appoint a woman {??affirmative action]for the sake of pleasing feminists instead of looking at issues of competence, loyalty, etc??!!

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