Crocodile Strikes Again, Kills Another Man in Chinhoyi
12 December 2014
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A ZANU PF Councillor’s close nephew has become the latest fatality after being struck by a notorious crocodile in Chinhoyi.
Councillor Makhaki Muriravanhu’s kin was yesterday attacked by the crocodile believed to be the same which struck an MKD leader at the weekend, and he was killed on the spot, according to witnesses.
The incident occured at Biri Dam on the out skirts of Chinhoyi.
Details of how the incident occured were sketchy at the time of writing and the man’s full name was yet to be released by police.
Reports however indicate that the man was fishing at the dam-side when the fateful incident occured.
The development follows the killing of Mavambo Kusile Dawn National Secreteray for Mobilisation Liberty Mukwakwami who was slain last Saturday while going for prayers as claimed by witnesses (CLICK HERE TO READ MORE)

4 Replies to “Crocodile Strikes Again, Kills Another Man in Chinhoyi”

  1. Ngwena on the prowl. He is gonna devour all opposition faction members. Stay away from the river Mai Mujuru. They don’t call him The Croc for nothing

  2. All this happening after Ngwena has been handed the VP post, something fishy happening……..or is it some bad omen?

  3. The photograph looks more like that of a pig, than of a human. The pigs ear is very clear in the photo.

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